Chapter Seventy- Famous Last Words

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Chapter 70

Amy's POV

"Amy stop!" Niall grabs my wrist as I find myself stood on the front porch with tears streaming down my cheeks. I was so angry and upset I couldn't process what I was doing but I knew what I wanted.

"Get off me!" I cry as I try to pull my wrist out of his grasp. I could barely see through my blurry teary eyes but I knew who was in front of me and who was now walking away from me.

"Your wearing nothing!" Klaus steps in grabbing my arm causing Niall to back off. I had no idea what Klaus actually knew about this whole situation, I knew that he didn't know about Harry and Victoria but he must know what just went on upstairs, literally 5 minutes ago.

"Let go!" I cry as I feel myself getting overly worked up to the point where I feel my knees beginning to shake along with my hands. I was a wreck. But who could blame me?

"Hey just put my coat on and then go-" Klaus says to me and I cut him off.

"I don't need a coat! I don't care! I really don't give a shit. I just- I just...I need him! He's all I fucking need, don't you get that?" I snap my wrist from his grasp.
"I love him!" I cry as I watch his expression drop.
"I'm so in love with him you don't understand and right now I think I may have just lost him- he probably hates me" I sob. I see Eva and Jade looking at me sympathetically but I can't help but hate it. I don't need sympathy.
"I can't stay and talk to you or put a fucking coat when he's walking away from me!" I gesture to there house just as I turn away from them. Klaus quickly grabs my wrist making me cry and fight him even more.

"Let her go" Jade simply says and Klaus looks at her with wide eyes.

"What? In that! No way-"

"Klaus!" Jade snaps at him.

"Are you fucking kidding me-" he looks at her in disbelief before looking back at me clearly displeased.
"Fine" He buffs as he lets go of my wrist hesitantly.
"If he hurts you, you come tell me straight away" He says sternly and I frown shaking my head.

"He would never hurt me" I say as I wipe my tears away.

"Famous last words" he mutters as I turn away from him. I don't even know what he meant by that but right now I didn't care. All I wanted was to end things with Harry once and for all. I couldn't let this go any further.

I quickly run across the road bare foot clinging on to the last inch of modesty that I had as I enter Harry's house without knocking. I didn't care. Why should I? I see Louis sat with Zac on the couch in the living room, there eyes widening as they see me. I don't understand how Harry walked past Zac without killing him but it happened. I didn't care about them though.

"Woah- Amy what are you doing? Where are your clothes-" Louis tries to say as he looks me up and down in shock. Zac keeps his back to me and for good reason. I wanted to kill him. I hated him.

"Where is he?" I snap.

"Upstairs- Amy I wouldn't..." Louis says and I shake my head before quickly ascending the stairs. I don't care if I look crazy I just needed to see him. As I neared his room as the end of the hall I could hear loud crashes and bangs going on from inside. He was probably taking his anger out on his own shit inside. I felt nervous as my knees began to shake along with my hands again as I needed the door. I needed to do this. I was hurt and angry with him and he needed to know. I couldn't let this go any further. We needed to sort it. I was done walking away from him.

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