Chapter Twenty Seven- Derek

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Chapter 27

Amy's POV

5 days later

"So I've read some of your reports on the debate we had last week and I must say you are all lacking in substance. I failed all of you meaning you must re-do the report again, you fail again and you will do it again until you pass" Mrs Edwards scolds us all in Heath and religion class the usual making everyone groan and sigh at how hard she is on us. I huff before standing up and packing my stuff.

"Amy where do you think your going?" Mrs Edwards snaps at me causing the whole class to look at me. I hate this bitch I swear she is out to kill me.

"I'm not staying here when I worked my ass off on that paper only for you to throw it back in my face saying I don't know shit" I snap as I push my chair under the desk. I swear she gets a kick out of making us all feel dumb as fuck. The whole class sniggers and some 'Ooo's' are echoed round the class.

"Excuse me?" She slams the papers down on her desk looking ever so shocked. Like I fucking care. I really am not in the mood for her shit right now.

"You heard me and if you think I'm writing that report again you can fucking think again" I snap as walk through the desks to get the door as people laugh at her reaction to my outburst.

"Watch your language!" She yells at me and I flip her off as I open the door and walk out slamming the door behind me.

If you hadn't realised I hate the bitch.

I was having a great day before her class and I cannot even stand to hear her voice never mind the fact she talks to us all like shit. I'm actually sick of her and my outburst was well overdue. I walk down the empty hallway and into the principles office knowing I would probably be sent here anyway.

"Hi I would like switch classes from Mrs Edwards please" I say to the receptionist.

"Your name?" She gives me smile.

"Amy West" I tell her and she paused for a minute looking at the computer screen. I look around the reception room and see a kid in the corner looking awfully pissed off making me laugh. He reminds me of Harry in away when I first met him, always getting himself into trouble and always had a moody look on his face. Actually he usually has a moody look on his face to be honest. I remember when Harry and Klaus used to make fun of me all the time and how things have changed so much in the past few months.

"I'm sorry but we are too far into this semester to transfer you to another class" the receptionist says catching my attention. Fuck sake.

"What? No honestly I can't stay in that class any longer she hates me! I will drop the class and do nothing if I have too but please there must me something you can do" I plead with her trying my hardest to get away from Mrs Edwards.

"I'm sorry you'll have to talk to the principle" she tells me and I groan.

"Fine I will" I tell her and she laughs.

"He doesn't have any time today can you come back next week if your that desperate?" She says and my mouth drops. How can he be that busy?

"Next week? You know what forget it" I shake my head at her sighing before turning to leave. As I go to turn around I feel myself crash into somebody before I see that my top is drenched in what I think is water. Are you fucking serious?

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