Chapter Forty One- Strawbs

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Chapter 41

Amy's POV

"I'm staying at Klaus' tonight and we're going baby clothes shopping tomorrow, do you want to come?" Jade asks me as she stands in the bedroom doorway.

"Uh yeah sure, what time?" I agree for some reason. Why would I go? I guess to be supportive?

"Be ready for twelve thirty" She says with a smile, before picking up her bag from the bed.
"Well I'm gonna go, I love you" She says and I smile as she blows me a kiss.

"Love you" I call back as she shuts the door. As she leaves I lock the door behind her because I can't be bothered with anyone else for the rest of the night. Everyone left about 20 minutes ago because it was 'getting late' but it wasn't really. It was 10:30. Some of us have work tomorrow, I do not thankfully. I lie down on the bed freshly showered in nothing but my underwear. Harry had left along with everyone else even though we were supposed to talk but I guess not? To be honest I think we sorted things out but it would of been nice to know what he wanted to say. I sigh as I go through my phone as I lay on my front getting bored of the same shit that I see everyday. Suddenly my phone starts to vibrate before caller ID comes up.


I smile a little before answering.


"Look out the window" he says and I frown.

"Why?" I ask as I sit up.

"What do you mean why? Just do it" he says and I roll my eyes. I walk over to the window sliding it up opening it. I stick my head out and look down.

"What are you doing?" I say as I see him standing looking up at me.

"Well I've got 2 of the newest Star Wars movies which I know you haven't seen yet and I have your favourite chocolate and some chocolate covered strawberries, if you'll have me that is..." He says as he holds up a box with treat in and the movies in the other hand. I can't believe he would think to do something as sweet as this, like I know it's little but it's sweet and thoughtful which I like.

"I'd rather just have the food and movies can you send it up?" I joke and he gives me a 'Are you serious' glare making me chuckle.
"I'm kidding..." I say and he rolls his eyes.
"When did you get all of this?" I ask as I put the phone down having no idea why I was still holding it.

"Well actually I borrowed the movies off Niall and I bought the food about 10 minutes ago" he says and I smile nodding.

"How are you going to get up here?" I ask as I don't see of anyway he could climb up as there isn't anything on the side of the house that he could grip onto. I mean there's a huge oak tree but that's just absurd especially with all his food.

"I'll have you know I'm amazing at climbing trees" he says as he heads for the tree to the left of me. He puts the basket hooked on his arm and puts his foot on the tree.

"Oh no, Harry just come through the front door" I say with a frown on my face as I worry he would most definitely fall knowing Harry.

"No I can climb a tree" he insists as he starts climbing the tree with ease.

"Okay... just be careful and hurry up before someone sees you, your not exactly hard to see" I say as I look out the window checking that no one is watching.

"Are you calling me fat?" He stops and looks up at me with a frown.

"What? No! Just hurry up" I say as he smirks, carrying on up the tree.

"Open the window wider" he says as he gets near the top a little out of breath. I push the window open more as I hold my hand out for him to climb in. He takes my hand and I try to help pull him in put he is heavier than I expected causing me to wobble before catching my balance again.
"There we go, see I told you I could climb a fucking tree" he says as he jumps down from the window ledge.

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