Chapter Thirty Three- Rumour Has It

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Chapter 33

Amy's POV

2 weeks later

"Hello?" I practically whisper into the phone as I notice my mom was calling me at 9 am. It's Sunday! Who gets up at 9 am?

"Hola mi niña! Cómo estás? (Hello my girl, how are you?)" I hear her cheerful voice sing down the phone in Spanish. My Mom was born into a Spanish speaking family and always taught me and my sister to speak Spanish as my brothers were not interested. I think Klaus and Elijah do still some Spanish, they just can't speak it fluently.

"Buenos días mamá, estoy bien tú? (Good Morning Mom, I'm good you?)" I say back to her just telling her I'm good. I know it makes my Mom happy when we talk back to her in Spanish but sometimes when she doesn't speak it first we will usually just speak in English.

"Sí, bien, ¿qué haces todavía en la cama? (Yes good, what are you still doing in bed?)" She moans to me about me still being in bed, how she even knows that is beyond me.

"Lo dices como si se supone que estoy en algún lado (You say it like I have to be somewhere)" I moan.

"Amy! Se supone que vienes a la barbacoa hoy, no me digas que te olvidaste (Amy! You are supposed to be coming to the barbecue today, do not tell me you forgot)" she says down the phone to me, clearly not impressed I have forgotten. Well technically I didn't forget I just haven't seen Jade over the past week to remind me. She practically lives at Klaus' now.

"Oh, eso es hoy? lo siento mamá lo olvidé pero ya voy, no te preocupes (Oh that's today? sorry mom i forgot but I'am coming don't worry)" I say as I sit up in my bed. This is the last thing I kind of want to be doing today. I can't be bothered at all. I'm pretty sure Klaus will be going and probably invited Jade which is going to be awkward cause we are barely speaking.

"Es mejor que tengas que estar aquí a las doce no más tarde (You better be, you need to be here at twelve no later)" she warns me and I roll my eyes.

"Bien estaré allí ( Right Fine I'll be there)" I sigh.

"Elijah! Eso no va allí, idiota- ( Elijah! That doesn't go there you idiot-)" I hear my Mom yelling to someone else down the phone which I can't help but laugh at.
"Oh Amy, tengo que irme. Te veré más tarde, adiós. (Oh Amy I have to go I will see you later bye)" she quickly ends the phone call making me laugh before I lie back down in my bed before my phone starts to ring again making me groan. Knowing it would be my Mom I put he phone straight to my ear.

"Sí mamá ya sé a qué hora estar allí, no es necesario que me lo recuerdes (Yes Mom I already know what time to be there you don't need to keep reminding me)" I say down the phone groaning afterwards.

"I didn't know you spoke Spanish?" I hear an all to familiar voice down the phone. I pull the phone from my ear and check the ID


"Oh god, sorry! I was literally just talking to my Mom I thought you were her" I say making him laugh.

"Do you not check caller ID?" He says and I can imagine the smirk playing on his lips.

"I will now"

Harry and I had been hanging out quite a lot recently, well as discreetly as we possibly can. After he took me to the lagoon that night we had only become closer. Car rides into the city were regular things for us to do because it was a place in which we could do things together have people not recognise us or have the chance of running into Klaus for example. The Serpent Diner had become a regular hang out spot, a place in which we now both had made friends with some of the Serpents. Harry knew them already but it was good that we could hang out with them as a group. We had also gone on walks down to the lagoon twice since he showed me it and had a picnic down there once which was one of my favourite times. We went to Harry's house a lot because the lads know not to disturb him if his door is locked unless it's Klaus and he knocks anyway. It was too risky going to my house because I never knew if Jade would have Klaus round. Harry always made sure to sneak me in past Klaus or would make sure he wasn't in that day. Spending the night over at Harry's was also a regular occurrence one in which was my favourite. We had gotten a lot closer and let's just say he found my tattoo. Harry was moody at times but we haven't argued which is new for us. Baby steps though.

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