Chapter Sixteen- What Were You Gonna Say?

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Chapter sixteen

Amy's POV

"Don't you have somewhere to be? We've been watching movies for the past 6 hours" I look up at Harry as 'inside out' the movie ends. I had my head in his lap for some reason as Harry had his back against the head board of my bed. For the past six hours we have watched several films after I had a quick shower and got dressed for the day. Harry had kept the argument out of my head and kept me laughing by making silly and sarcastic comments throughout the films. I was having fun.

"N- shit yeah I have dinner with my sister, what time is it?" He asks and I check my phone that was on my stomach.

"4" I read and he nods, smiling weirdly at me.

"Well you get two more hours of me then" he says and I roll my eyes jokingly.

"So lucky" Harry chuckles and picks up the remote before flicking through the movies on Netflix. I sit and examine my nails as he reads out many names.

"Ok so we have 'Non-stop'-"

"Good but no" I say and he nods.

"Jungle book?" He snickers.


"Tangled?- fucking no I'm not watching that" he says all to quickly making this cute but weird face that's quite funny causing me to laugh.


"Clueless?" He frowns at the film description.


"Jaws?" He says and I grin, looking up at him.

"Best film of all time, can we watch it?" I say excitedly and he shakes his head.

"It's not the best film of all time" he argues and I frown.

"It is" I raise an eyebrow.

"No- I'd say Dirty Dancing or Grease" he says and I shake my head, laughing lightly. Who doesn't like Jaws?

"Jaws is a classic and it doesn't get boring like your shitty films" I say and next thing I know Harry hits me on the head with the remote lightly making me look up at him to see him frowning again.

"Hey- Dirty Dancing and Grease are not shit" he says and I roll my eyes.

"They get boring after a while" I say.

"Let's just put this on so I don't punch you in the face over a shark" he jokes and I laugh.

"Ha you lose" I tease and he frowns. I knew that would piss him off.

"I didn't lose, I had nothing to lose" he pouts and I laugh.

"You lost" I drag out the phrase making him even more annoyed making it harder not to laugh.

"Fucking didn't" he grumbles and I snigger when he hits me on the head with the remote again.

"Sharks are so cool how can you not love this film?" I say when the introduction starts to play.

"I didn't say I didn't like it, I said that there are better films" he rolls his eyes.

"Like Tangled?" I snigger and he hits me on the head again making me laugh.

"No! I hate that film" he says whilst making that weird face again.

"It's good" I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah if you're like 5 years old and love Disney Princesses"

"Who doesn't love Disney?" I frown. Seriously you must have problems if you don't love Disney.

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