Chapter Eighteen- Bonding

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Chapter Eighteen

Amy's POV

"No no! Klaus you have to keep the cards face down for the trick to work" I snatch the cards from my brothers hand as he starts to pick them up from the ground. For Jade's sake we had decided to try to get along more than we have been doing and to be honest it hasn't been that bad so far.

Currently we were both by the pool's edge at my place playing with some cards.

Sort of.

"Oh right sorry, I don't really understand where this is going?" He laughs and I roll my eyes as he throws card into the water.

"That's the point now watch-" I'm cut off by an all too familiar voice making its way through the house. Klaus looked at me waiting for a reaction that never came.

"Klaus!" Harry's unmistakeable voice grows louder.

"Back here Haz!" Klaus shouts as I shuffle a few cards. Seconds later the patio door slides open and I could hear footsteps along the paving stones getting closer. I didn't bother turning round just because I already knew who it was, and clearly he was here for Klaus.

"What are you doing?" He asks, clearly baffled seeing the two of us alone together and alive.

"Bonding" Klaus and I snigger. I see Klaus give Harry a weird look but decide to still avoid Harry's eyes.

"Ready?" I ask Klaus as we stand opposite each other in the perfect position.

"No I don't get what I have to-" I cut him off by dropping the cards and forcefully pushing him backwards into the pool. I laugh lightly and watch as he tries to recover from his fall.
"What the fuck was that for?" He pants as I snigger.

"That was the trick? To trick you to stand too close to the edge to make it easy enough to push you in" I say with a small smile playing on my lips.

"What about the damn cards?" He groans and I shrug.

"All part of the plan" I say as he starts getting out of the pool. He jumps up onto the side and glares at me as I try not to laugh.

"Fuck bonding, I'm going to get a shower- oh wait mate did you want me?" Klaus turns to Harry as he starts to head back inside. I sit on the edge of the pool with my feet in the water as I swish the water around gently.

"No Niall does, I'll be round in a second" Harry tells him.

"Okay...?" I hear the patio door shutting telling me Klaus has left, leaving me with Harry.

"Do you mind if I sit?" He asks as he stands above me, causing me to look up. He was dressed in black shorts and a white sleeveless top with a messier than usual hairstyle. It suited him though. I was dressed in a nude skirt and white top that showed my curves just enough.

"No go ahead" I tell him as he starts to sit anyway. He's feet ease into the water as he leans back on his hands like me, supporting himself so he didn't slouch.

It was silent for a few seconds, the only sound coming from our surroundings.

"I uh- I wanted to talk to you about something if that's alright?" He stutters, glancing from my eyes to anywhere else but me.

"Sure, I was starting to wonder why you were here to be honest" I laugh lightly, trying to lighten up the situation. I felt nervous which was weird because so did Harry by the way he's acting.

"So I- uh I've been wanting to talk to you about what you were going to say to me yesterday before Jade interrupted, it's been really bothering me that's all- it seemed important" he said far to quickly for me to comprehend. I thought back to the event as Harry eyed me slowly, waiting for an answer.

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