Chapter Thirty One- You Say It Like It's A Bad Thing

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Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Amy's POV

I woke up that morning, well technically just a few hours later with a headache that could kill and a dry mouth. As I opened my eyes Harry's room came back into view and so did Harry. He's ensuite door was open and I could see him stood in a town drying his hair with another towel in the mirror. He looked beautiful he really did. Did I regret last night? No. Does he? I hope not.

"Do you ever stop staring at me?" He startles me by saying as he turns his head briefly to look at me holding a cheeky smirk on his face.

"How did you- you weren't even looking at me!" I sat up and said but instantly regretted it as my head began to pound hard causing me to moan and hold my head.

"Oh someone's got a hangover" he laughs and I flip him off as I lay back down and curl up in his sheets. A minute later Harry is hovering over the bedside tugging the sheets down around my face a little.
"Here- it's paracetamol don't worry I'm not trying to drug you" He laughs as he places a glass of water on the bedside table and handsome two small white tablets. I sit up and pull the covers up to make sure my body was covered moderately as he sits down on my side of the bed. I take the water and the paracetamol thanking him afterwards.
"Better?" He asks and I nod.

"Look at your hair" I giggle as I notice a few wet ringlets form on top of his head. I reach up and run my hand through his hair as I laugh making him frown like a child.

"Stop... I can't help it" he groans taking my hand out of his hair making me laugh.

"It's cute, I like it" I tell him and he rolls his eyes before getting up off the bed.

"Shut up" he groans making me laugh a little more.

"Harry?" I ask as he goes into the bathroom and starts to brush his teeth. He peeks his head round the side of the door and I try not to laugh at all the foam dripping down his chin.
"Would you mind if I showered here?" I ask and he shakes his head taking the tooth brush out of his mouth.

"No it's fine come here I'll show you how to work it" He says and I nod. I go to stand up and quickly sit back down as I realise I'm completely naked. Shit. What do I do? I mean I know he's seen me naked but that's when I'm drunk I'm now sober and it's so different.
"Are you coming or what?" He asks as he wipes the foam from chin and turns the tap off.

"Uh- I'm kind of- I don't have any clothes on" I tell him whilst trying to look anywhere but him.

"So? Come here" He laughs and I shake my head.

"I'm naked" I tell him as he continues to laugh at me leaning up against the bathroom door frame.

"You do realise I've seen you naked right? Why are bothered?" He says and I shrug.

"I don't know I just am, can you please throw me a towel or something?" I ask and he looks at me skeptically before grabbing a towel and throwing it across the room at me.

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