Chapter Fifty Three- Family Are Lethal

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Chapter 53


Amy's POV

Bang Bang Bang..

I groan as I hear someone banging on my bedroom door at god knows what time in the morning or night whatever I was asleep and that's all I wanted. Who the hell would knock on my bedroom door? Like
What the fuck? I moan pulling the duvet over my head trying to block out the sound as I needed my sleep.

Bang Bang Bang...

"Oh my god..." I huff as I throw the cover off of me sitting up in my bed. I looked at my clock on the bed side table reading the time.


What the fuck? Maybe it was Jade, she might have forgotten the bedroom key seen as I always lock the door before I go to bed. I get up slowly straightening out my shorts and matching pyjama top as I head to the door yawning briefly. As I open the the door I look up to see a smartly dressed Harry.

"What the fuck Harry?" I frown as he leans against the door frame looking disheveled with messy hair and his black jeans and white button down shirt that wasn't really done up.

"Babe..." he smiles as he sees me, taking a step towards me but quickly falls onto me.

"Harry- oh my gosh your so heavy..." I huff as he puts all his weight on me as I try and hold him up.
"Are you drunk?" I ask as try and carry him over to the bed with great difficulty. He was a dead sight and was not helping me at all he literally couldn't walk. I had never seen him like this before. I kick the door shut with my foot, cringing as it slams shut. I just pray that it didn't wake anyone up.

"No I'm Harry" he says as I get him to the bed.

"Fuck sake" I sigh as I place him down on the bed carefully.
"I thought you went for dinner with your Mom" I ask him as he reaches back out for me pulling me in between his legs with ease. After Niall's birthday picnic Eva had organised today, Harry decided he would go to dinner with his Mom and Sister when they got here at 5:30 ish. Harry drove me back and we spent an hour together here just hanging out and stuff before he had to go. It was weird not having Harry here especially when I was going to bed because we had spent literally the past few days together without fail.

"I did- I had a lasagne and my Mum had a-"

"That's not what I- oh never mind" I shake my head as he smiles up at me. Drunk Harry reminded me a lot of a child, he was so cute and funny but annoying at the same time.
"How have you drank so much? You reek of alcohol" I say as as he leans into me. Even with Harry sat on the bed and me standing up there wasn't much height difference, I was slightly taller as he sits on the bed swinging his legs like a child.

"Me and Gemma went out after, it was fucking sick" he laughs lightly making me smile. I was annoyed that he had woke me up at this time but at the same time I loved seeing him like this, he was vulnerable, more open and was just all round so loving.
"I wish you were there though" he adds slurring his words slightly.

"Have you had jäger?" I ask as I can smell something like jäger on his breath.

"Uh no- probably, yes..." he laughs lightly as he presses his forehead into the middle of my chest muffling his laughter.
"Woah... your room is so dark, turn the light on I can't fucking see!" He says quite loudly as he looks up at me. I try not to laugh at him but it was a little dark in here but my lamp was still on from when I fell asleep so it wasn't that dark he was being dramatic.

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