Chapter Sixty Three- Zac

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Chapter 63

Amy's POV

I turn around slowly looking up at him. My heart felt like it just skipped a few beats as my eyes locked with his. He looked different. Exhausted. There was almost a sadness behind his eyes as I looked into them. It was the first time I had seen him since that day. I thought when I saw him I would want to scream at him and be angry but I wasn't. I didn't know what to say. I felt so much emotion towards him but yet I just went blank when I saw him.

Despite everything, the one thing I did feel when I looked at him was- I felt my self relax almost. I felt calm as he stood in front of me despite all the thoughts running round my head. Part of me just wanted to cry into his chest but another part of me wanted to get as far away from his as possible. I knew what the right thing to do was.

"Amy can we talk-"

"No thank you Harry" I turn away from him and I see Eva smile at me sympathetically. I feel him grab my wrist stopping me. I spin round seeing Zac stare at the two of us skeptically.

"Wait- I tried calling you and texting you, did you get them?" Harry asks.

"I got them" I say sternly.

"Oh" He sighs as I pull my wrist from his grasp. I loss of contact made the pit in my stomach deepen. But I knew it wasn't right.

"Amy- come on" Eva touches my shoulder as I realise me and Harry were just staring at each other. I felt like we were communicating with no words.

"So your just going to ignore me?" He asks ignoring Eva. I could see the hurt behind his eyes but I couldn't help but not empathise with this. I turn away from him causing him to stop me.
"Okay wait- I'm so sorry-" He says quickly but I look to him sighing.

"I've had a really nice night, Harry I don't want you to ruin that for me" I sigh and I see his facial expression drop.

"Your right- I'm sorry..." he sighs as his roam my face before he shakes his head. He looks to the floor before walking past me towards the house. I stand there as his shoulder brushes mine making me sigh as he leaves.

"Hey..." Zac puts his hand on my shoulder but I can't help but shut my eyes taking a deep breath as I debate what just happened.
"You did the right thing" he says and I turn around slowly.

"Did I?" I whisper.

"Course you did! Did you see his face? He was devastated" Eva says and I nod. He was devastated. But for some reason I wasn't happy about it. I know he deserved it but I could help but question my own actions towards him.

"I know..." I sigh as I feel my eyes start to tear up. I could see Harry talking to his friends literally a few feet away. He glances over at me and I quickly look away.

"What's wrong?" Eva asks as I feel myself begin to panic. I could feel myself getting worked up.

"I don't know..." I sigh as I let a single tear fall.
"Everything!" I sigh as I shake my head raising my voice a little.
"Everything is just so wrong..." I add as I feel the tears start to fall. I should never have come here. I don't know what I was thinking.


"No! I'm sick of people trying to be nice to me, because you all feel sorry for me!-" I yell at them both as I take a step back from them as they look at me sympathetically.

"That's not true-" Zac tries to say but I shake my head cutting him off.

"It is true! You all are tip toeing around me like I'm gonna break into million pieces at any given second! Well guess what? I'm already in a million pieces! I can't be any more broken then I already am!" I sigh as I wipe my angry tears from my cheeks.
"So Just stop! Stop being so nice to me and pretending that you care when you don't! You don't know what I'm going through, you don't understand! Nobody understands!" I yell at them, I look up to see Harry looking over as I kick up a fuss.

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