Q&A 2

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Q&A Part 2

Thank you guys so much for all the questions and responses to the last Q&A especially LaurTimoney  Kimmylouise_88  I hope these are helping fill in a few blanks! - A x

Harry and Amy

1- What is your favourite thing about each other and your relationship?

Amy- I would say my favourite thing about him is how caring and loving he can be, like he's so compassionate compared to me it's nice to have that in someone when your the opposite.
Harry- Winding her up is pretty fucking hilarious if you ask me-
Amy- Harry your supposed to answer the questions properly, stop messing around
Harry- I am doing it properly!
Amy- No your not.
Harry- I am.
Amy- I can't deal with you, let's move on.

2- Do you feel as though you guys are well suited to each other?

Amy- I think we are such opposites on so many levels we balance each other out-
Harry- Yeah and we learn from each other I think too, which does help us understand each other better I think, even if it takes us screaming at each other to do so, it's better than us just not speaking.

3- Are you the best each other have had, in regards to your sex life?

Harry- I'd answer that very carefully if I were you.
Amy- And you.
Harry- Your by far the best I've had, basically have my own porn star for free-
Amy- Harry! That's so disgusting don't say that!
Harry- True though.

4- Despite everything that's happened do you still think you could have a future together?

Harry- I would like to think so.
Amy- Me too, but I think some things are just asking to be let go of sometimes.
Harry- What?
Amy- Don't act like your not putting a fucking ocean between us Harry-
Harry- If you'd let me explain-
Amy- I don't need your explanation.

5- What's been the toughest part of your relationship so far?

Amy- Being away from him after the whole Victoria thing.
Harry- Giving her space after the whole thing with Victoria. Was so hard knowing I had so much to say but just couldn't.

6- In comparison to other relationships, do you think you are genuine and passionate?

Harry- Um yeah, have you not seen us in the bedroom-
Amy- I don't think it was meant like that, I think they meant passionate as in general towards each other.
Harry- Same thing babe.
Amy- No it's not Harry.
Harry- You would know wouldn't you, Mrs 'I don't know where the Atlantic Ocean is'
Amy- Oh like your any better Mr 'I don't know how to say admitted'
Harry- Well played

7- In a perfect world, how would a future with each other look?

Harry- In a perfect world? I would live in my hometown, near my mum and sister with Amy after we're married and have our 3 children. 2 boys and a girl preferably but I mean who's counting? Maybe get a dog or a micro pig or something
Amy- In a perfect world, I would live with Harry in a little house on the outskirts of NY, maybe with a dog? I don't know, probably just get a dog to put him off the idea of kids for a while.

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