Chapter Twenty Six- Harry Invited Her

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Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Amy's POV

"Morning" I greet everyone as I walk into the kitchen . This morning I woke up before Harry and decided that after last night I didn't know how to act around him right now so I snook out early and dodged all members of the frat house thankfully.

"Who's clothes are you wearing?" Jade eyes me up and down and I literally want to stand myself for forgetting that I was still in Harry's clothes. How could I have forgotten?

Lie. I have to make something up.

"Um I-" I start to say as Niall, Liam, Louis, Damon and Klaus walk in with Pizza boxes.

"Who wants pizza!" Liam shouts as they lay them out on the island.

"It's 10am" Eva says raising her eyebrows at Niall.

"Who the fuck cares?" He says with pizza stuffed in his mouth.

"Oooo Did you get laid last night Amz?" Louis laughs as he points to my attire.

"Nice boxers" Damon smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah who's are those?" Klaus asks with a weird look on his face. I'm still loser off at him for last night but I conceal my hatred towards him well and answer there questions.

"One I didn't get laid last night and Two never you mind who's clothes I'm wearing" I snap before grabbing a slice of pizza and walking upstairs. I jump on my bed before finding my pillow and begin screaming into it.

"Stressed?" Jade asks as she turns up at the door.


"Oh right my mistake, screaming into pillows is what perfectly calm people do" she says and I glare at her as she rolls her eyes at me.

"Leave me alone " I mumble into the pillow making her laugh.

"No, what do you expect me to do when you rock up at 10 am after being out all night with some guys clothes on?" She laughs and I feel her sit in the bed next to me.

"I can't function right now" I turn my head to the side and frown.

"Well I'll wait until your ready to spill" she folds her arms over her chest and gives me a weird look.

"I just slept out because I fell over last night because I was too drunk to even move" I lie.

"Where did you stay then?" She asks and I cringe.

"Uh just on the couch at Klaus's" I lie.

"Klaus told me about you yelling at him, thank you for sticking up for me I honestly don't even remember what happened but he came straight over and apologised after you left" she explains and I smile.

"Good, he should never have left in the first place but at least he apologised" I say and she nods.

"He also said that when he left Harry was there" she adds looking skeptically.

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