Chapter Forty Two- Breakfast, Books and Pages

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Chapter 42

Amy's POV


"Mmm... 5 more minutes" he mumbles as I try and move my shoulder from underneath his head but to no avail.

"I'm hungry" I moan as I push my hand against his head trying to move him off me but he only nestles in more putting his arm around my waist.

"Your always hungry... 5 more minutes" he groans as I poke his cheek.

"I'll just keep poking you" I say as I poke him over and over agin.
"Harry..." I poke him again causing him to groan.
"Harry get up-" I poke him numerous times quickly causing him to groan louder.

"I'm up! Your so annoying" he says as he moves off of me.

"That's rich coming from you" I say and he roll his eyes.

"Funny" He says sarcastically before he pulls me on top of him. He starts to kiss my neck I can't help but laugh at his efforts to keep me here.

"I'm serious, I have plans!" I try to stop him and roll off of him.

"I'll just stay here" He says as he pulls the cover over his head.

"Harry!" I try to pull it off him.

"Alright!" He shouts as he moodily throws the cover off of him.

"Someone's in a pissy mood" I say and he rolls his eyes.

"What do you expect when you keep me up all night?" He says as he stands up wearing literally nothing.

"Fuck You" I say as he laughs when I throw a pillow at him.

"You already did" he throws it back before turning around giving me full frontal view.

"Pig" I say as he laughs.

"Amy! Are you ready?" I hear an all to familiar voice echo through the house causing my eyes to widen.


"Shit that's Jade!" I whisper to Harry causing his eyes to widen. I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs making me panic.

"Fuck" Harry curses as he looks at me not knowing what to do.

"Hide in the closet" I say and he frowns.


"Go!" I shout in a whisper as I throw him his phone off the side table as he picks up his clothes and boots off the floor in a hurry. He quickly runs around past me into the closet and I close the door behind him before throwing Harry's shirt on that was on the floor beside me.

"Amy!" I hear the door handle rattle and I sigh in relief that we had locked it last night.

"Coming now just wait in the car!" I yell through the door causing her to sigh. Harry opens the closet door and I sigh as he scowls at me.

"You have 5 minutes!" She yells and I roll my eyes.

"Okay!" I yell back before I listen for her footsteps to see if she had left. I sigh and falling back on the bed.

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