Chapter Forty Seven- Apuesto a que te encantaría

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Chapter 47

Amy's POV

After eating breakfast everyone went off Becca and Mia had work, Niall was taking Eva out on a date, Zac and Liam had classes and Jade went over to check on Klaus. Harry and I decided to go back upstairs and hang out for the day and just be lazy. I laid on the bed in his t-shirt whilst he wore his boxers after I forced him to put them on. We sat and talked about shit for what felt like 10 minutes but when I looked at the clock we had been talking for over an hour as I played with his hands. We both fell silent for a second but the sound of my phone ringing made us both jump. I sat up grabbing my phone from the end of the bed checking the caller ID.
"It's my Mom" I say.

"Let me answer it!" He smirks as he sits up.

"What-" before I could react quick enough Harry took the phone from my hand before standing up on the bed holding it in the air.
"Harry! Give it back!" I jump up trying to reach it as he presses the button.

"Hello Mrs West, It's Harry" he puts her on speaker phone as I jump up to try and reach it to no avail.

"Oh Harry, did I call you by accident? I was meant to call my daughter" I hear my Mom say through the speaker. I watch as he smirks down at me as I fail miserably at trying to get hold of the phone.

"No your right I'm just on her phone" he says and I roll my eyes as laughs lightly at my poor effort.

"Give it back now" I yell at him in a whisper causing him to flip me off.

"Oh I see, how are you sweetie?" I hear her ask him causing Harry to smile cheekily.

"I'm good, all the better for talking to you, how are you?" He says and I knew for a fact my Mom would be loving this. She had a soft spot for Harry and he loved to play on it not only for her benefit but also for his own because he loved to annoy me.

"Your such the charmer Harry, I'm very well thank you" She says just as he unintentionally lowers the phone a little. I take the opportunity to jump up and grab the phone causing him to roll his eyes.

"Hi Mom" I go to sit back down on the bed but Harry pulls me down on top of him all too quickly. I glare at him as he laughs lightly as I straddle his crotch. He places his hands on my thighs as he stares up at me.

"Oh Amy!-"

"I know you told Klaus about me and Harry" I cut her off.

"Oh mi Niña, I'm sorry! It just slipped out-" she tried to apologise but I stop her.

"It's okay, I'm not mad, I actually am glad he found out" I tell her.

"Really? How are things going with all that situation?" She asks and I roll my eyes so does Harry.

"Well uh we had a fight-" I try to say but she cuts me off.

"Mi chica, ¿qué hiciste? (my girl, you did what?)" her thick Spanish accent coming through the speaker made Harry's eyes widen. When my Mom spoke Spanish she sort of had this domino effect that would hit me and I would start doing it too. I just couldn't help it.

Lo sé, mamá, pero seguramente iba a suceder! él no está impresionado, pero no hay nada más que pueda hacer. solo necesita tiempo (I know Mom, but it was bound to happen! he isn't impressed but there is nothing more I can do. he just needs time)" I try to tell her. I look down at Harry who just seems to be staring at me in amazement.

"Ok, mi bebé, ves por qué está enojado, ¿verdad? Probablemente también esté protegiéndote a ti, solo recuerda eso ( ok, my baby you see why he is upset don't you? he probably is just being protective of you as well, just remember that)" she says and I roll my eyes. She always has to stick up for him just a little.

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