Chapter Sixty Six- Just Pretend

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Sorry about the wait guys, my last chapters got wiped so I had to start again. But we are back up and running. Enjoy. Don't forget to leave your comments, I love reading them!

Chapter 66

Amy's POV

The kiss between us felt like fire on fire. It was hot with passion and emotion without even trying. His lips melted to mine liked they were made for each other making it all the more pleasurable. His hands cupped my face as he presses his lips into mine more firmly. I was on my tip toes reaching up to him to make the kiss easier but I don't think he would of cared if I wasn't. In that second I felt all my worries slowly disappear as I had him right with me. He made everything just feel so right, so calm and relaxed. It felt normal to have him kiss me and hold me. I didn't want him to let go. I knew we shouldn't be kissing but I wasn't going to stop just because it was wrong. Because it didn't feel wrong at all. I feel him start to slowly smile into the kiss as he takes my bottom lip between his teeth gently. I giggle softly before he kisses me gently again.
The kiss was so different then what my kiss was with Zac. There was no emotion or feelings with Zac, it was all sexual tension. He was hungry with his hands and lips where as Harry was passionate and each kiss left a tingling sensation all over my body. His kiss was electric and I loved every second of it.

"I love you" He mutters to me before pushing his lips to mine again. I smile lightly into the kiss as does he before pulling away slightly out of breath. His presses his nose and forehead against mine as I feel our breath mix together.
"Don't fucking forget it" he whispers and I nod.

"I won't-" I say as we hear the front door open.

"Is everything alright- Oh sorry..." Niall stops on the porch with an embarrassed look on his face as he spots the two of us.
"I ruined that whole moment didn't I?" He says trying not to laugh. I smile as I look down as I step back from Harry carefully trying to stop making this situation any more awkward.

"We're fine Niall" Harry sighs and I see a small smile play on his lips for a second.

"Glad you two are, Zac's not-"

"I don't give a shit about Zac-" Harry quickly intervenes becoming defensive.

"Harry..." I say warningly.

"He's fucking lucky he got what he did-"

"I can't believe he did that" Niall sighs cutting him off. I could quite believe he did that either.
"Like that's so not like him" he continues and I nod.

"Jealousies a bitch" I sigh.

"You were a bit harsh on him-" Niall speaks I frown.

"Who? Me?" I furrow my brows together in confusion. How could I have been harsh on him after what he did? Was this a joke?

"Both of you! Like yeah he fucked up but you didn't need to make a scene in front of everyone" Niall snaps and I can't help but stand in shock. Was he serious right now? I really didn't understand.

"Oh sorry Niall, next time I'll just shut my mouth when I find out my mates kissed my girlfriend-" Harry snaps before turning to me as I just about open my mouth to interject.
"Don't start with me" he mutters rolling his eyes at me knowing exactly what I was going to say.

"I'm not saying do that- you know what? This doesn't matter, neither of you would listen to me anyway" Niall sighs rolling his eyes at us as he walks back up the porch steps. I look to Harry in confusion but he doesn't seem to care at all. I frown as I step forward stopping Niall.

"Niall I don't understand-"

"It doesn't matter" he cuts me off shaking his head.

"No it does-" I stop him and he turns around slowly.
"Your upset, why?" I press as I feel Harry stand close behind me.

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