Chapter Nine- That Would be Funny Right Harry?

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Chapter nine

Amy's POV

"There, see no shit" After scrubbing Harry's coat with a leaf and shitty pond water for over a good half hour it finally looked reasonable better. He complained literally the whole time and didn't help one bit. It was kinda of funny when he nearly fell in twice, the second time was because I pushed him but he caught himself.

"There's a stain!" He points to the poo stain and I try not to laugh.

"Well let's face it, you weren't getting it all out in a fucking pond" I say and he rolls his eyes as we walk away from the small pond.

"I bet there's a laundrette round the corner" he sighs.

"Oh come on we aren't going to a laundrette, it's practically gone" I say whilst laughing.

"It's a fucking shit stain!" He says and a small smile manages to creep it's way onto his face.

"No one will know that just say it was ice cream, I won't say otherwise" I tell him and he looks at me cautiously.


"I swear" I say as he starts to put on his jacket again. We cross over the barrier and Harry helps me by taking my hand to guide me over.


"Harry fucking Styles, you've gotta to be kidding me" I look up and my eyes land on a beautiful erotic looking young lady who was heavily pregnant. She had long brown hair tied in a pony tail and wore a long black trench coat with a tartan scarf and some black boots. She was honestly beautiful.

"Frances?" Harry squints a little as he looks at her.

"Woah I'm actually shocked you'd even remember me" she laughs and so does he. Who the fuck is Frances?

"Well you look pretty different from when I last saw you, I mean you clearly have a bun in the oven" he says a gestures to her bump peaking through her coat. She was very pregnant like she was going to pop any second now pregnant.

"I know, it's just a waiting game now really it should of popped out over a week ago" she says and places a hand over her bump.

"Well I'm happy for you, where've you been?" Harry smiles.

"Well after I graduated I got straight to work in LA and got transferred here with my company and stayed ever since- but aren't you going to introduce me to your...?" She eyes me and waits for Harry to finish her question. I didn't even realise she was looking at me until Harry squeezed my hand causing me to look up. I looked up because I was confused as to why Harry was still holding my hand.

"Oh uh sorry yeah, Frances this is Amy Klaus' sister, Amy this is Frances" Harry says and I smile at her offering her my free hand, oddly not wanting to tear my other from Harry's.

"It's lovely to meet you, congratulations too" I say and she smiles taking my hand and shaking it softly.

"Thank you, I had no idea you were Klaus' sister then again you kind of look a like in a weird way" she says and I laugh lightly.

"I get that a lot"

"Frances and Klaus were kinda good friends a couple of years ago" Harry tells me and I nod. What am I meant to say?


"Yeah he's an odd one, but why are you guys together out here? Is Klaus here somewhere? Or are you guys like together or something?" She asks as she gestured to our linked hands making my eyes widen. I quickly pull my hand away from Harry's and shuffle away from him a little after noticing the close proximity our bodies were at.

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