Chapter Fifty Nine- Silent Tear

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Chapter 59

Amy's POV

I close the bedroom door behind me before sliding down and sitting on the floor as I let the tear fall. I was crushed. I felt broken. I wasn't myself. Not without him. I ran straight up the stairs and avoided everyone to be where I am right now. I didn't want them asking questions. I don't think they realise I'm here but that's what I want. I wanted to be alone. I didn't want to talk anymore. I didn't want to talk anyone at all. Within a matter of days my world had been flipped and turned on its head and I had no control over any of it. I sighed wiping my tears away before picking myself up off the floor. I kicked my trainers off placed them on the box at the end of Harry's bed. The fact I was in his room without him was a big realisation for me. I had realised what I had lost.

I had lost the only person who I ever actually cared about. The one person who I knew I was in love with. I was stupid. What I did was stupid and I couldn't take it back. I knew that. But I had to try and make t up to him. I just wanted him. Nothing else. I didn't care about anything else.

I sigh as start to take my clothes off as I walk to the bathroom throwing them carelessly on the floor. I get into the bathroom and look at the 100 buttons on Harry's shower making me think back to when I first stayed with him. I ripped into him for having so many buttons on his shower after I spent the night. What I would do go back to that moment right now. I switched the shower on pressing random buttons because I couldn't remember how he did last time. It worked so I was fine. I stepped into the shower letting the hot water rush over my body making me feel instantly relaxed.

I had met Harry's Mom and sister. Unintentionally. They were lovely. It made me realise how stupid I was to back out the other night. I had fucked up. Harry knew they would like me and I still didn't believe him. I was being ridiculous. I put myself before him once again. And I hated myself for that. But tonight I didn't want intrude on there family night. I didn't want to sit there and lie to them about mine and Harry's non-existent relationship right now. I couldn't do it. I wanted them to see what me and him were like when we were good. Because when we were good we were so good like it felt unreal but when we were bad it just spiralled out of control.

When I get out the shower I check my phone realising I had been in there for over an hour. No wonder I started to prune up. I had two new messages. One from Jade.

From Jade- Where did you go? x

I didn't reply. I sighed checking the next message.

From Harry- Are you in bed?

I was shocked he texted me at all. But I knew why he had. I sigh hovering my fingers over the keyboard a second before typing my reply.

To Harry- Yes.

Within seconds I get a reply.

From Harry- Who's?

I roll my eyes texting him back. I didn't owe him an explanation to where I was. Surely he should trust me enough to know where I would be.

To Harry- That's rude, Goodnight.

I place my phone down on the bed side table and dry myself off before moving over to the chest draws. I open the top one and pull out a pair of Harry's boxers and before grabbing one of his black t-shirts. I drop my towel before pulling the boxers on and then the shirt just as I feel myself start to become extremely tired. I place the towel in the washing basket before walking over to the bed pulling the duvet back. Harry didn't have lots of pillows on his bed which annoyed me, but he agreed to keep some extra ones for when I stayed over which were under his bed. I reach down grabbing three extra pillows plonking them on the bed as I turn the light off. I jump into bed pulling the duvet over me as I look around the empty room that is only lit with the lamp I had on at the side of the bed.

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