Chapter Sixty- Perfect

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Chapter 60

Amy's POV

"Goodmorn- Oh I didn't know you were here?" Niall greets me as I enter the kitchen. He sits by he island on his phone as he eats what I think is toast but I couldn't tell it was badly burnt if it was.

"Yeah sorry I'll go soon-" I say as I feel bad for just basically inviting myself here. Not that that was the case but still. I walk over to the fruit bowel picking a grape popping it into my mouth.

"No! No that's not what I meant! I just- you and-"

"Morning" I look up seeing Harry enter the kitchen. He was only in his boxers making me blush a little as I realised exactly what Niall is going to be thinking. I left Harry thinking he was asleep still but he must of just followed me out.

"Harry..." Niall says as he raises his eyebrows at me skeptically making me blush even more.

"Were you expecting someone else?" Harry frowns as he walks over as I pick another grape.

"Not exactly" Niall mutters but Harry doesn't take much notice. I click the kettle on as I pull a cup out the cupboard just as I feel Harry's hands wrap around my waist pulling me back into him.

"Morning" he whispers in my ear as he places a kiss on my cheek making me smile before he places his chin on the top of my head with ease. I didn't know what to expect this morning from Harry, but it definitely wasn't this.

"Tea?" I ask him.

"Please" he hums as I reach up grabbing another cup.

"How's your sister Harry?" Niall asks with a smug look on his face as Harry nestles his head into my neck groaning making me giggle.

"Fuck off Niall" he murmurs into my neck causing Niall to laugh lightly.

"Just asking" He jokes.

"No your not" Harry laughs lightly into my neck before placing a small kiss on my collar bone. I didn't know what had gotten into him but he woke up on the right side of the bed clearly.

"Your right" Niall laughs and I shake my head at the both smiling as I put the tea bag's in the cups.
"What did you get up to last night?" Niall asks Harry as he turns to face the two of us. Harry now had his chin rested on my head again but I didn't mind. I'm sure Niall was terribly confused as to what was going between us because I fucking was.

"Just had a movie night and came back here" Harry shrugs as I feel his hands slip under my shirt, well his shirt as he starts to draw circles on my hips with his thumb.

"And..." Niall raises an eyebrow looking back and fourth between the two of us. I don't know what had gotten into me but I felt like a school girl with her first crush. Like it was so weird.

"Fuck off" Harry tells him and I roll my eyes at his rudeness.

"Amy what did you do last night? You disappeared pretty early" Niall says and I shrug not looking at him because I knew exactly what he was getting at.

"I went to bed" I simply say. Wasn't entirely a lie. Just wasn't exactly the truth either. I wasn't gonna turn around and say oh and by the way I met Harry's Mom and Sister and then slept with him a few hours later even though we are on break. Got it?

"Your own bed?" He teases and I feel my face flush.

"Niall!" Harry scolds him making Niall laugh in disbelief as he rolls his eyes at the two of us.

"What is wrong with you two? Why you being so secretive? Everyone knows you guys fuck it isn't a surprise" Niall says making my jaw drop as we both look at him.
"I don't know what's gone on, but fucking bash your heads together and get on with it. Your no fun when your not together- I'm not a fan of angry Harry, no one fucking is" he says as he rolls his eyes looking down at his phone.

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