Chapter Seventy Two- Wrong Place Wrong Time

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Chapter 72

Amy's POV

About 10 minutes later we were sat in Harry's car in silence on the way to the hospital. I had text Klaus and found out where they were, but yet I couldn't help but have a bad feeling about everything. Harry had gotten me some clothes that were about 5 sizes too big for me and basically drowned me, not to mention shoes that were also way too big for me. Not that I really cared right now. I was so nervous. I could tell Harry was picking up on it because I was oddly quiet and hadn't even looked at him since he got in the car. I just needed to see her. I was so nervous as my mind was running wild with different thoughts about what could be happening right now.

I just wanted her to be okay.

"Hey... " Harry snaps me out of my thoughts placing his hand softly on my knee causing me to glance over at him.
"It's gonna be fine- don't worry" he says giving me sympathetic look. I smile softly back at him as hhis hand rubs my thigh comfortingly.

"Gosh why is this happening?" I sigh and I place my hand over his.
"Can you not drive faster?" I snap.

"I mean we're in traffic, I don't have a choice" he rolls his eyes at me gesturing to the traffic surrounding us. We were crawling in traffic for at least five minutes now. I didn't mean to snap at him I was just so stressed.

"I'm sorry-" I sigh and he cuts me off.

"She'll be fine, have you got hold of Klaus?" He asks and I look down at our entwined hands.

"Yeah they're in the emergency room now, he said floor six, room 38 in the East Wing" I say remembering the text he sent me like the back of my hand.

"Okay" he nods and I hear Eva clear her throat behind me.

"Are you two back together now?" She asks and I roll my eyes. I knew it was about time she started being nosy.
"I mean from what I'm observing I'm guessing you are- please say you are because something needs to go well today" She rambles as she glances at the two of us. I hear Harry chuckle beside me and I can't help but smile looking at him.

"We're on a clean slate" I say. If that meant we were back together then yeah we were. Finally.

"So your not on a break anymore?" She smirks and I watch Harry's expression drop.
"Like that was real..." she laughs and my eyes widen as Harry pulls his hand from mine awkwardly. Eva notices the shift between us and when no one else laughs she stops too.
"Oh... Too soon?" She cringes and I roll my eyes at her as she mouths 'sorry' to me.

"So music?" Harry hums switching the radio on.

"If it isn't Beyoncé I'm fine listening to her" I joke gesturing to Eva.

"Hey!" She glares at me.

"Beyoncé it is" Harry laughs lightly and I feel the awkwardness start to fade.

"Beyoncé had twins how adorable- do you think you guys will have babies? Me and Niall were talking about it the other day" Eva rambles and I cringe at the words coming out of her mouth. What the hell is wrong with this girl?

"Babies? We just got back together" I say and Harry laughs lightly, I sigh feeling awfully embarrassed that my friend was already bringing up babies.

"I know but your clearly in love with each other, how are babies not a thought?" She presses.

"Hears a thought-" Harry glances at her.
"Contraception" he states and I laugh only for Eva to roll her eyes.

"Oh come on! You know you want little mini Arry's running round!" Eva teases and I frown. What the fuck is an Arry?

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