Chapter Ten- A Date

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Chapter ten

Amy's POV

-2 weeks later-

"Where are you going?" I ask as I catch Jade heading for door as I come in from the kitchen with a sandwich in my hand.

"What? Oh uh dinner" she looks flustered as she puts on her heels. Why is she so dressed up for dinner?

"Dinner? Why aren't I invited?" I laugh lightly but she doesn't, instead her gaze falls from my own and her cheeks go a pinkish colour.

"Uh it's a date" she mumbles but I catch what she's saying.

"A date? Who with?" I ask.

"You know I can't keep secrets from you, so I'm just gonna be straight up with you alright? Promise you won't get mad" she winces waiting for my reply but I keep a neutral expression as I take a bite from my sandwich.

"I know what your gonna say" I roll my eyes.

"You do?" She frowns.

"It's Klaus isn't it?" I sigh and her eyes widen. Of course I'm annoyed that they're clearly dating but I'm not going to stop them. If she's happy and he treats her right then who am I to judge? I'm her bestfriend and I'm not going to fall out with her over fucking Klaus.

"Amy I'm-"

"Look I don't care, I really don't. Yeah I find it weird but it's nothing to do with me so I'm staying out of it. The only question I have is why didn't you tell me you've always had a thing for him?" I say honestly and a sigh of relief escapes her lips making me smile.

"Because I haven't? I don't have a thing for him, well I do now but I didn't for 2 years"

"You could of told me" I say.

"I know but I thought you'd be mad about it and-"

"Jade, he's my brother of course I would of been mad at first and trust me I was but then I thought about it and I've realised its got nothing to do with me so I'm leaving you guys to it" I'm not going to lie to her about how I feel and now she's knows the truth I'm not going to comment on it anymore than I have to.

"I'm sorry I really am" she says and I frown.

"For what? As long as your happy and I don't catch you in the sack together, I'm good" I roll my eyes and she covers her face in embarrassment making me laugh.

"Oh god"

"Anyway you better get going you don't want to be late" I say as I pick up for clutch bag off the floor and pass it to her.

"Yeah, do I look alright?" She says and stands back next to the door as I stand behind it. She looks amazing in her red leather skirt and black top, tanned legs that are elongated with the strapy heels. She looked hot, I have to say.

"You look too good for my brother so yeah, you look great" I roll my eyes and she glares at me.

"Amy.." I sigh.

"Sorry your-"

Knock knock knock. Jade frowns and looks at me skeptically.

"Are you expecting someone?" She asks and I frown.

"No? Probably you're date" I say and she shakes her head.

"No I'm meeting him there, is anyone else in?" She tells me and I frown.

"No" she shrugs and opens the door wide enough to see her. I stand behind the door and listen in.

"What are you doing here?" Jade says a little harshly.

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