Chapter Twenty Four- Dare

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Chapter 24

Amy's POV

After several rounds of shots with jade and some random people we met we decided to head back inside the house cause Jade wanted to find Klaus. Typical looks like my fun is over. I follow her back into the house and I see Klaus waving her over.

He's with Harry, Niall, Liam, Michael, Damon and Zac and I really don't know if I should go over or not. Harry looks like he's had a few drinks by now as he's laughing he's head off at something him and Damon were talking about. He clearly hasn't seen me yet and I'm glad. Jade looks at me almost as if she's checking if it's okay to go over and I smile and before I can protest she grabs my hand and pulls me over too.

This wasn't what I had agreed to!

"Woahhh how many drinks have you guys had?" Klaus asks as he catches Jade from falling right in front of him making me roll my eyes she was supposed to be looking after me when all she's done is get more pissed than me, why am I not at that stage yet?

"I think that's her for the night" I tell Klaus as Jade cuddles into him making me cringe.

"Amy take my place in truth or dare for second whilst I go get her some water" He says as he stands the both of the them up.

"What? No, no I cant!" I shout catching the attention of several people including Harry.

"Why not? It's just a game, I'll be 10 minutes" he says giving me a weird look as I panic before nodding involuntarily. Klaus pushes me onto the bench they were sat at right next to Harry.

Is this a joke?

I swallow my pride and sit next to him with no choice at all. What the fuck is my life? Could this get any more awkward? He doesn't say anything to me as I sit down but he glances at me and shuffles to the left a little to get away from me I'm guessing.

"Amy your turn seen as your the new comer" Niall says giving me a wink and I roll my eyes.

"Truth or dare" he adds.

"Dare" My mouth speaks before my head catches up with it.

"I dare you to go kiss that guy stood by the fridge" Niall says and I sigh turning to look who he means.

"Black t-shirt?" I ask as I'm looking and he says yes. Before I over think anything I jump up from the bench and walk straight over to him with absolutely nothing but the dare in my mind. I tap him on the shoulder and when he turns round I see that he is actually pretty hot. I don't give him a second to say anything before I grab his shirt and pull him down to kiss me. The kiss was obviously a shock to him but he deepens it within seconds wrapping his arms round my waist as I wrap my arms round his neck pulling us as close as possible. The kiss was sexy and fun but I pull away and walk back to the bench wiping my mouth before he can talk to me.

"Fucking hell he said kiss not eat his face" Harry says and I glare at him.

"Harry it's your turn stop complaining, truth or dare?"

"Truth" he rolls his eyes and says he can't be bothered doing a dare.

"Harry is it true that you slept with all of the girls in this circle?" One random guy asks making some of the lads snigger. Harry doesn't get the chance to reply to him before Niall chirps up.

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