Chapter Fifty- Trust

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Amy's POV

I could hear the party already in full swing downstairs, but yet here I was staring at myself in the mirror. A million thoughts a ran my mind as I carefully examined myself. I looked at my skin right red dress running my fingers along my hips where the dress clung too.

The only real thought running round my head was-

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The only real thought running round my head was-

Why am I not good enough?

Why can't I just be enough for one person? What did I not have that she had? Shaking the thoughts from my mind I sighed pulling my dress down a final time before heading out the door. Knowing in a matter of seconds I would probably see everyone was making me so nervous I wanted to be sick. They all knew. They were talking about it but weren't talking to me about it. I didn't want to talk to any of them but then again I didn't even know if Klaus was telling the truth. As I made my way down the stairs slowly because of my heels, I felt my heart beat faster and faster the closer I got to the party. The house was full, people were everywhere. Knowing my friends usually hung around in the kitchen and garden I didn't know if that really was the place for me right now. But I needed a drink if I was going to get through this night. A strong drink. I pushed my way through the crowd of people almost getting trampled on a few times because I wasn't the tallest person there in even in heels. I pushed the kitchen door open and even the kitchen was pretty full. The music was kind of background noise in the kitchen making it easier to have conversations. I walk straight over to where the drinks were all lined up walking past all of my friends, everyone was stood round the kitchen area and I mean everyone. Jade, Klaus, Zac, Niall, Eva, Becca, Mia, Liam, Harry and even old friends like Damon who I hadn't seen in a while. Had Klaus spoken to Harry for them to even be stood in the same room? Why do I care? I grab a cup off the side and grab the vodka mixing it with a coke before knocking it back, downing the content quicker than I thought. I fill the cup back up adding more vodka in it this time.

"Woah.. Are you trying to kill yourself?" Eva pulls the cup from my lips as she comes up beside me. She raises her eyebrow at me before I take the cup back off her downing the rest of the content.
"What are you doing?" She asks as I poor the next drink for myself.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm drinking" I say as I take a sip from my cup.

"What is wrong with you?" She frowns as she grabs herself a cup.

"Good question, why don't you tell me?" I turn to her taking a sip out of my cup as she fills up her own.

"What are you talking about?-" she glances at me looking confused.

"Cut the shit, I need you to be honest with me for like 5 seconds-" I say as I glance over at Harry. He had his back to me making this easier.

"I don't understand-"

"Did Harry kiss Evie?" I ask. She pauses for a second looking at skeptically as she holds her drink in hand.

"Amy.. I don't know-" she shakes her head looking down for a second.

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