Chapter Sixty Five- Ring

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Chapter 65

Amy's POV

"Woah wait- what are you doing? This isn't a good idea" Eva runs after me as I get to the bottom of the stairs.

"Why not? You don't even know what I'm doing" I snap at her as I open the door to leave. I step onto the porch realising I don't even have shoes on. Oh well fuck it.

"Amy please stop" she grabs my wrist pulling me back.
"Think about this" she says as I pull my wrist out from her grasp. What was her problem? She doesn't even know why I'm going!

"I've thought about it- now stop following me!" I yell at her as I run down the porch stairs. At this point I kinda did regret not putting shoes on and maybe a jacket I looked stupid. I was in shorts and a long sleeve crop top with no shoes on running across the street like a mad man. People must of thought I was on something.

"Okay okay! Just hold on!" She runs after to me.
"Damn your fast-" she sighs as she finally catches up.
"Why are you going to find him?" She asks and I sigh. Why couldn't she just stay out of it? I could handle myself pretty well last time I checked.

"Just-" I sigh stopping.
"Just please let me do this" I say as I turn to her.

"Are you sure?" She looks at me skeptically.

"Yes" I say and she pauses for a second. I smile falsely at her before she nods.

"Okay... Come find me when your done" she says and I nod before running off. I make my way through to the house running up the porch stairs as I opened the door. I had no idea where he would be. I just hoped he was on his own. I look round the living area not seeing him anywhere before wandering into the kitchen. No sign of him either. I was getting some awfully weird looks of people but then again I was dressed highly inappropriately for a party of this volume. I step outside looking around for a second before sighing. Where could he be? I sigh before turning back around to go inside. But before I could I feel my wrist being grabbed.

"Amy-" I turn around seeing Harry stood in front of me. My blood boiled at the sight of him but yet another part of me just wanted to melt into him and stay like that for as long possible.

"You-" I push him in the chest instantly with anger catching him off guard
"What the hell are you playing at?" I yell at him. Luckily there was barely anyone out here so I wasn't drawing a crowd. He looks at me in confusion as he takes a step back from me.

"What are you talking about-" he frowns regaining his balance.

"What am I talking about?-" I laugh in disbelief.
"This-" I open my hand showing him the ring.
"This is what I'm talking about Harry!" I yell at him.


"What the fuck are you playing at?" I cut him off dropping my hands to my side when he doesn't answer.
"Is this just some sort of sick joke to you?" I laugh in disbelief shaking my head at him.
"Do you like hurting me or something? Do you get a kick out of that?" I say as I push him in the chest angrily again.

"What? No! No of course I don't" He snaps back.

"Why would you give me this? Why would you do that to me?" I sigh angrily showing him the ring.

"It's just a ring" he shrugs. I knew full well it wasn't just a ring. This ring meant so much to him I had no idea why he would ever dream of giving it up.

"I'm not stupid Harry" I snap at him.
"I know what this means!" I yell and his gaze drops to the floor. I pause for a second awaiting any reply but sigh when I don't get one.
"It's not just a ring at all don't you dare say that" I say angrily.

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