Chapter Fifty Six- Stepping Up

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Chapter 56

Amy's POV


"Hey, Niall are you going to a party tonight?" I say trying to sound as normal as possible as I still sit on the kitchen floor drying my tears with the back of Harry's jumper. I had to man up. I couldn't let him do this. I didn't want to go on a break, I had to apologise. I had to see him in person to see if he really meant what he said.

"Uh I wasn't till about 20 minutes ago- Harry called me, he didn't tell you?" He says sounding curious and confused. The only person I could think to call is Niall. Harry goes out with Niall all the time. More than he does Klaus nowadays.

"No- is he going?" I press sniffling quietly trying not to make it obvious I was crying.

"Yeah he was the one who suggested it- I don't understand, you haven't talked to him?" He enquires and I sigh. I didn't want to have to explain it all to him right now. I couldn't. I don't even think I would know what to say.

"It's a long story- can you just give me the address?" I ask. I needed to see Harry. I couldn't let him walk away from me- from us.

"Uh I don't know maybe you should just ask-"

"Please? It's important!" I but in when he seems off and almost worried about telling me.

"But I-"

"Niall I will tell you everything I swear but I just need that address" I sigh. I wasn't about to sit in all night and cry about Harry when I knew I could go talk to him and see what I could salvage.

"Are you sure?" He sighs clearly not comfortable in telling me this right now for some reason. What did he have to hide?

"Yes" I press.

"It's Uh 78 Huston Road- Amy It's Evie's party" he says and I feel my heart sink. Harry was going to Evie's party? I felt sick. So many questions and thought started to fly round my head about this whole situation. Why was he going there?

"What?" I say but it barely could be heard.

"Yeah I don't know if it's a good idea you going" he says in honesty. The last time I say Evie was when we were getting dragged off each other for fighting. She hated me and I hated her- Harry knew that.

"What time are you going?" I ask trying to gather enough information as possible.

"Harry's picking me up in an hour, he said he's with him Mum" he says and I nod. I was meant to be there, I thought. What had I done? I fucked up big time.

"Okay thanks- oh wait please don't tell him we had this conversation" I add just as I was about to end the conversation. I didn't want Harry to find out about this, what if he didn't go? What if he avoided me because he found out I had asked Niall about this? I couldn't risk it.

"Why? What's going on?" He asks making me sigh.

"I'll tell you later, just don't say anything to him about me! Promise me?" I say and he pauses for a second clearly thinking it over.

"Okay yeah whatever-"

"I gotta go- bye" I quickly say.

"Bye" He says just as I disconnect the line. I needed to man up. I needed to sort this. Like Harry said, I needed to face my problem instead of running from it and right now I had to this. For us. For him.

"Eva!" I yell as I jump up wiping my tears as I storm through into the living area seeing her still in the same position.
"Get up and get dressed we are going to a party" I say to her as I pull the blanket off of her sniffling slightly. What? You think I was going to go alone? Not a chance.

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