Chapter Twenty- Baby Steps

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Chapter Twenty

Amy's POV

Spending time with Harry was different this time. I mean it's not like we spend a lot of time together anyway, but this time just felt different.

It felt strangely comforting.

I didn't feel like he judged me for  anything I did or said to an extent. God, it's weird thinking these sentences are even coming out of me right now. Two months ago I would of never even dream of thinking shit like this.

Harry wasn't who I thought he was. Well he was, but then there's a side to him that I didn't know he had. And I liked that.

"So I sorted things out with Jade..." I announced as we sat on the edge of the pool with our feet in the water swishing around. After spending a while in the pool just messing around and talking we decided for grab some towels and sit on side as it was getting colder by the second. We talked about random stuff, catching up on each other's family members, friends, college stuff and shit, it was nice to see a side of Harry that I hadn't noticed in the time we have known each other. Despite him being around a lot we never spoke a lot till recently and I guess it was because of the on going prank wars the houses had on each other but lately the pranks had stopped and weirdly we had all started hanging out. I mean look at Jade and Klaus... completely unpredictable.

"Oh yeah?" He glanced at me and I nodded.

"Yeah she was cool about it, I was gonna tell you but you had already left..." I say.

"Yeah sorry about that I should of said something but I didn't want to get involved with the situation, you know?" He said apologetically.
"I mean I think she hates me enough already" he laughs awkwardly.

"Jade hates everyone" I roll my eyes whilst sniggering and he smiles sheepishly.
"But seriously don't worry about her she'll come around, I mean she's dating Klaus and Klaus is practically married to you so she's essentially dating you aswell?" I laugh.

"Nah me and Klaus haven't been that close lately" he shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders oddly.

"Why? Did something happen?" I ask curiously. It's not like Klaus and Harry to fall out or not get along because they always get along. They argue like brothers but never fall out enough to damage there relationship but something tells me that there's an underlying problem here.

"No not really, I mean not that I know of? He just seems pissed off with me all the time and I don't know what I've done wrong so I've tried to keep my distance to be honest" he says sheepishly.

"Really? Since when's this happened?" I ask.

"I dunno, it's been a few days of like the awkwardness around each other and like almost a bit of tension is there you know? I mean if it's something I've done he usually would tell me but he hasn't said anything so I don't know if it is me or an overall general mood he's in?" He rambles on, obviously worried about his best friend.

"I'm sure you could just talk to him about it?" I say.

"And say what?" He rolls his eyes, obviously getting his back up about the topic.

"Uh... I dunno? Maybe just try have one on one with him?" I say. I don't really know what to say but I'm sure everything will be fine between them and Harry might just be over reacting?

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