Chapter Seventeen- Oh You Like Her?

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Chapter seventeen

Amy's POV

"Have you eaten?" Jade asks. We've probably been out here for far too long, talking about God knows what. I had finished my drink and Jade looked like she was having the last of hers.

"Yeah have you?" I say as I place my cup down.

"Yeah, want another drink?" She shakes her now empty cup making me smile and nod. We go inside the kitchen where everyone was having there own little conversations with each other. I looked around the room and I frown when I don't see Harry.

"Amz? Are you coming?" Jade taps me on the arm, looking back at me. I frown looking at her, not realising that I had stopped by the doorway.

"What? Uh give me a second" I wave her off as she nods, taking me cup off me and walking off. I look around the room again and sure enough Harry isn't there. I walk over to Niall who's stood with my brother who's talking about some shit that I don't have time for.

"Niall-" I move in front of Klaus pushing him back a little on purpose.

"What's up?" Niall frowns, taking a sip of his drink.

"Where did Harry go?" I ask quietly so Klaus couldn't hear.

"He said he had somewhere to be, then just left" he explains, shrugging. I think for a second and I realise he had a dinner to go to with his sister. I needed to speak to him. Now I feel awful.

"Oh thanks" I mutter before turning to walk away.

"Actually can I talk to you for a second?" He grabs my wrist gently, stopping me from leaving.

"Uh sure" I frown but nod anyway.

"Back in a second mate" he tells Klaus who gives me an odd look before nodding. Niall takes me over to the counter where Harry and I were earlier before stopping and putting his drink down.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I know this probably sounds stupid coming from me but do you know if Evangeline is uh single?"  He stutters, scratching the back of his neck. What the fuck?

"You like Eva?" I snigger.

"What? N- well yeah but don't say anything, I just want to know if she's single" he shrugs and I nod. Woah. Well to say they didn't like each other 24 hours ago this is a big step.

"She is" I smile. I see his shoulders sag a little like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders as he tries to hide a smile from me.

"Do you think she'd- like uh like go on a date with me?" He mutters, clearly nervous and embarrassed.

"I'm sure she'd love to if you ask her" I pay his shoulder lightly as he nods.

"Thanks, you were a big help honestly- and by the way, I'm starting to think You and Harry are may be little more than just friends. But I gotta go-" he sniggers before turning his back to me.

"No wait- what are talking about?" I quickly run in front of him, stopping him from leaving me.

"It's just- I've seen how he is around you and it's weird, but like a good weird if you get me?" He shrugs. I think for a second before shaking my head.

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