Chapter Eighty Seven- Saints And Sinners

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Chapter 87

Amy's POV

"I've missed you" I mumble into the kiss as I feel Harry brush away the hair out of my face. By this time we were both in our underwear rolling around on the bed as Harry now hovers over me.

"Wait-" He mutters pulling away holding himself up placing both arms on either side of my head so he didn't squash me.

"What?" I frown as I tug on the calls falling on the back of his neck.

"We haven't finished" he mumbles sitting up from me making me sigh.

"Your right, we never even started-" I try to pull him back on top of me but he doesn't budge.

"No I mean talking-" he sighs pulling me up onto his lap as he leans his back against the headboard. I knew what was coming making me all the more hesitant to just talk about it in the first place.
"Baby, the drugs... Why?" He sighs as he pushes my chin up with his hand so his eyes meet my own.

"Don't ruin the moment Harry..." I sigh pushing his hands away from me. I didn't want to talk about it. I knew he was disappointed in me already I didn't need it confirming by him telling me off.

"It's already ruined" He laughs lightly trying to make light of the situation but I couldn't laugh.
"You did it because of me didn't you?" He sighs as I look away from him not wanting to continue the conversation.
"Baby.. I'm so sorry I should of-"

"Don't" I stop him looking up at him.
"Don't do that. It was my choice, I knew better I just- I guess it's habit" I shrug as he shakes his head but I cut him off before he could intervene.
"Whenever I used to do it, it was because I was stressed or upset and I kinda guess when I lost you I didn't have anything but that-"

"That's not true, you have so many friends-"

"It's different" I say as I move off of his lap.

"Tell me" he grabs my hand pulling me back as I get off the bed causing me to sigh.

"Harry I don't want to-"

"Why not? I thought we were passed this?" He frowns when I pull my hand from his grasp.

"I was!" I yell causing him to narrow his eyes at me.
"I mean I am-" I sigh shaking my head.
"I just- it doesn't matter" I say as he pulls me to the edge of the bed.

"Hey-" he pulls me to him but I can't help but look away. I was ashamed.
"Hey look at me when I'm speaking to you-" he cuts my face in his large hands making me catch his gaze.
"I love you, you know you can tell me anything" he whispers and I nod.

"I know- I just... I think after we got together, you were kinda a good influence on me and then I dunno when your not there- I just-"

"You fall back" he finishes my sentence for me and I nod.


"Come here..." he pulls me on top of him as he lays down on the bed.
"Promise me something" he smiles up at me.

"What?" I ask just as he spins us over so he was now on top of me.

"When I leave, you won't go back to this, promise me you won't touch anything- I don't want to come back to you and find the person your most scared of becoming. Understand me?" He looks at me sternly and I nod instantly.
"Use your words" He scolds me narrowing his brows at me.

"I-I promise" I whisper as my fingers entangle in his hair.
"Can you promise me something?" I ask.

"Mmm..." he smiles as he places a kiss to my lips.

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