Chapter Fifty Two- Visitation

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Chapter 52

2 days later

Amy's POV

The sound of my phone vibrating on the wooden dresser next to my bed made me groan as I snuggled into Harry's bare chest even more as he slept soundly on his back. Hoping the sound would stop I close my eyes throwing my arm around Harry's torso as he shifts slightly leaning into me. After a few seconds when the phone didn't shut up I sigh opening my eyes before getting up to shut the phone off. I grab the phone and the time comes up making my eyes widen.


"Oh shit... Harry get up!" I push him in he chest trying to wake him as I notice we are now incredibly late.

"Get off" he groans pushing my hands off him.

"We are so late! Eva's going to kill us!" I say as I jump out of bed in only my thong.

"Fuck Eva" Harry says into the pillow making me sigh.

"Harry!" I tug at the edge of the duvet trying to pull it off him as he groans still keeping his eyes shut.

"What? We have like an hour!" He snaps

"We have 20 minutes! You turned the alarm off!" I yell at him as he throws one of my pillows over his head like a child. I sigh putting my hands on my hips when he doesn't move. Harry was a nightmare in the morning he was so moody I couldn't get over it.
"If your not ready in 5 minutes I'm going to kill you" I warn him and I hear him laugh lightly under the pillow.

"I'm so scared" he says sarcastically waving his hands in the air sarcastically. I grab the nearest thing I could find which was a cup of water and decided to throw it over him knowing it would grab his attention.
"What the hell was that for?" He jumps up in shock throwing the pillow on the floor in anger.

"Get up!" I yell at him dropping the cup on the bed as I walk into my wardrobe.

"Fuck sake" he groans making me roll my eyes.

"Get a shower!" I yell at him from the other room.

"You!" He yells back making me frown.

"Mature" I mutter under my breath as I grab my white dress ready for today.

 I walk back into the bedroom to see harry wasn't in the bed anymore

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I walk back into the bedroom to see harry wasn't in the bed anymore. I place my dress on the back of my chair as I need to shower first. I throw the duvet back over the bed neatly before heading into the bathroom to see Harry turning the shower on.

"Niall isn't going to care if we are late, I don't know why your stressing?" He sighs as he feels the water temperature before taking his boxers off. For some reason I look away causing him to frown, it was a habit I guess.

"Niall won't care but Eva will! She planned this whole thing for him don't ruin it!" I say as I strip off after closing the door before jumping in the shower with him seen as we probably were not going to have time for separate ones.

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