Chapter Fifteen- Not Interested

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Chapter fifteen

Amy's POV

"Thanks Niall, I'll see you guys later" I say as I open the back of the car door.

"I'll walk to the door" Harry says

"You don't have to it's just there" I tell him as he opens my door wider for me.

"I don't care" he shakes his head, I hear Niall laugh lightly and give Harry a weird look.

"Bye Amy" Niall calls and smile back at him before getting out of the car fully.

"What are you doing?" I ask Harry as we walk a little forward.

"Walking, what does it look like?" He smirks and roll my eyes as I nudge him in the stomach with my elbow making him chuckle.

"I meant, why are you walking me to the door? I'm not gonna get jumped from here and there H" I say.

"H? Since when were we on nickname terms?" He bumps his shoulder into mine.

"You call me Amz, so you tell me" I say and he smiles slightly looking down at me.

"It slips out" he shrugs and I nod.

"Well so does yours" I say.

"Alright alright you win, shut up" he laughs and so do I. We walk in a comfortable silence up to the porch before we both turn to face each other when we reach the front door.

"Surprisingly I had a good time last night and today" I say sheepishly, feeling my cheeks redden as I look up at him.

"Me too" he says, his eyes studying me almost.

"So.." I rock back and forth on my feet.

"I better go" he says whilst scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah okay" I nod and he smiles.

"I'll text you later or something?"

"O-Okay yeah" I say but I'm cut off by the sound of the door handle rattling.

"Oh hey what- sorry" The door opens and Grace and Eva are looking at us both. It's kinda awkward and Harry and I take a step back from each other for some reason. They both look at us like they've seen a ghost before Harry clears his throat. I hadn't realised how close we actually were to each other until that step put practically no more distance Im between us than it did before.

"See you later" he nods to me as he shoves his hands in his pockets.

"Bye" I say but it came out as more of whisper than I wanted it too. Harry walks away and Eva shuts the door behind her. Harry gets into Niall's car and we watch them drive off.

"Should we even ask?" Grace laughs lightly and so do I, shaking my head.

"That's not your coat is it?" Eva says and Grace nudges her.

"You idiot of course it's not, it's massive on her" she laughs as I look down at myself. Fuck.

"Oh shit- it's Harry's I forgot to give it him back" I sigh, stamping my foot lightly.

"He won't mind, I think he was too busy being this close to your face" Eva teases, gesturing with her hand putting it inches away from her face.

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