Chapter Thirty Five- Unexpected

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Chapter 35

Amy's POV

As the day went on it got better I would say, even Klaus and Harry were off talking somewhere. By now more people had gotten here a lot of my families friends littered the garden as they bunched in small different conversations with an alcoholic beverage on hand. The music my sister had chosen played through the garden as I sat on the swing bench under the floral rose arch my Mom was proud of as she had worked so hard on it. I could see Harry talking to Klaus, Jade and Amelia seeming like they were laughing about something. I tried to keep a bit of distance from him just to be sure no one gets the wrong idea. My Mom comes and sits down next to me handing me a chute of champagne.

"Celebrating?" I question with a smile as she never gives me alcohol.

"You look like you needed a drink, are you okay?" She asks and I nod. This was one of the first times my Mom actually spoke to me in English on purpose without me instigating it.
"Is it a boy? It seems like a boy problem" she says and I laugh lightly.

"How do you know everything? I'm pretty sure if you were on the other side of the world you would still call me and say 'is it a boy problem?' What's your secret?" I laugh lightly as does she.

"Well when you have four children you get used to the different signs each of them will show for little things that bother them. Like when your angry you go really quite before you get vocal with it you know? Which differs to Rain because she just stays quiet and leaves it. I guess I just know when your upset and I can tell something is bothering you- so come on tell me" she says and I pause. Do I tell her? I know my Mom would never say a thing to anyone if I told her not to it's just, would she judge me?

"Do you ever get the feeling like it's one rule for you and different for another?" I ask.

"Oh yes all the time" she nods and I nod.

"You know that feeling where something in a sense is wrong- just feels so-"

"Right? Yes I have experienced that" she says and I nod.

"So do you go with what feels right or do you stop yourself from moving forward and cut all ties cause it's theoretically wrong?" I ask and she frowns.

"My Mother always used to tell me- mi niña, si tu corazón dice una cosa y tu cabeza dice otra, toma la decisión que corra el riesgo porque nunca se sabe que un día podrías arrepentirte- (my girl, if your heart says one thing and your head says another, make the decision that takes the risk because you never know one day you would regret it)" she says as she squeezes my hand.
"I mean not that I ever listened to her, but nobody listens to the parents when they say things like that, but when you care about something advice as simple as that can sometimes be comforting" she says and I nod.

"I just feel like no matter what I do the situation is always gonna end badly no matter who I put first you know? Like I'm not-"

"Excuse me, Sorry Mrs West- Would it be alright if I talk with your daughter for a minute?" An all to familiar voice startles me by slipping into the conversation cutting me off. I look up to see Harry and can get out of my head what my Mom just said to me. I notice my Mother look from Harry to me and then back again before her eyes widen a little before she stands up.

"Of course Harry. Mi niña, necesitamos una charla más tarde porque creo que sé de qué se trata (My girl, we need a talk later as i think i know what this is about)" My eyes widen as she gives me a 'no fucking way' look causing me to just nod as I'm lost for words. How did she get that by just looking at us? I knew exactly what she was thinking.

"Why are you sat over here?" He asks as he sits next to me on the bench.

"Just wanted a second to think I guess" I shrug.

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