Chapter Twenty Nine- 8 Planets

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Chapter 29

Amy's POV

2 weeks later

"Happy Birthday!!!" I scream as I jump on Jade's back. Today was Jade's birthday party at our house that Klaus and I had organised.

"I didn't think you were coming! I thought you were at your parents?" She hugs me as screams over the music in my ear.

"Well I just got back, hence why I look like shit but how could I miss your birthday?" I say and she hugs me again.

"I'm so glad your here" she says and I smile.

"Well you go get us a drink whilst I go change and then we will have the best night ever!" I say making her laugh.

"Vodka?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Vodka." I smile before we both laugh and go our separate ways. I push through the masses of people crowding our house as I make my way up the stairs to our bedroom. I swing the door open and tell the couple lying on Jades bed to leave before they took things way too far. I close the door after them and lock it before I throw my shoes in my closet and start to peel my jeans off and throw my shirt over my head and onto my bed. I run into my closet in my underwear and pick out a tight red dress that I had lingering in closet for a while that I had never got a chance to wear until now.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I pulled my hair out of my messy bun

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I looked at myself in the mirror as I pulled my hair out of my messy bun. The dress was perfect but I couldn't wear a bra with it cause it was too noticeable, so I unclasped the bra and swung it off over my head in a flash. I picked up a pair of sparkly heels i loved to death and ran into the bedroom to my dresser. I sat in front of my mirror and scraped my thick long hair back into a high ponytail before tying it with a hair tie. Luckily my make up wasn't that bad my eyes lids were lightly topped with a bronze in my crease and a light pinkish shimmer was placed on my lids from earlier, the look was topped off with some thick lashes. I touched up my foundation and applied a deep red lip to match my dress. I think this is as good as I'm going to get. I strapped my heels on and turned the lights off in the room before I headed out, closing the door behind me. I pushed my way through the house, through the crowded living room and finally made it into the kitchen area. The music wasn't as loud in here and I could see Jade and Klaus and a few others stood in the corner near the drinks.

"You look amazing, what the fuck! I hate you" Jade gaped at me as I found my way towards them.


"I'm stealing those shoes you do realise that?" She says and I laugh whilst rolling my eyes as she hands me a red cup. I take a sip and instantly regret it.

"What the fuck is this? How much vodka did you use?" I say as I pull a sour face at her.

"She can't mix a drink for shit, give me it I'll get you one" Klaus chimes in before Jade can reply as he takes the cup from my hand and walks away.

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