Chapter Thirty Seven- Packers Are Shit

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Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Amy's POV



"Are you gonna come back tonight? Or do I have to ask your Mum if I can stay in the guest bedroom?" He asks and I laugh lightly. We walk through the mall after lunch which my Mom never showed up to and probably planned the whole thing. Harry and I talked about Klaus and Jade and what actually happened like how he knew and things. Turns out Klaus told Harry without Jade knowing and Jade and Klaus fell out because of this and only recently just made up. He told me about how Jade has been trying to contact me but I said that she obviously hasn't tried hard enough. He also informed me of the constant arguing that is going on between Eva and Niall which is a shame. They make such a great couple.

"You have classes tomorrow" I remind him.

"So do you, you can't keep missing them you'll fail" he tells me and I sigh.

"Okay Dad, don't have to keep reminding me I'm not stupid" I roll my eyes.

"Dad? Not sure if I'm into that- I'm open to anything though" He laughs and I hit him on the arm.
"Kidding, besides I'm better looking then your Dad no wonder your Mum fancies me" he jokes and I can't help but laugh. I think he fancies my Mom more than she fancies him to be honest.
"Ah ha! So it laughs! Fucking hell-" He laughs as he pokes my side and I roll my eyes trying so hard to conceal my smile.

"Stop..." I groan as he makes fun of me.

"First time I've seen you laugh since I got here" he says as he smiles down at me as we walk into the parking lot.

"How did you even know I was here?" I ask and he shrugs.

"After Jade told me you hadn't been back in days and you not answering any of my calls or texts I thought the last place to check would be here" He said and I nod. I did feel bad for not answering his calls or texts but at the end of the day I was angry and hurt and I couldn't force myself to do something I wasn't comfortable with at the time.

"Thank you- for trying I mean, I didn't really expect you to come all this way just to apologise you know? I was just going to come back tomorrow-"

"What? So I wasted all this gas getting here when you were coming back tomorrow anyway? Fucking could of told me!" He jokes and I laugh nudging him in the stomach.

"Harry... I'm trying to be nice! Can you stop taking the piss for a second?" I groan and he laughs.

"Taking the piss? You've been hanging out with me too much" He laughs and I roll my eyes noticing I have picked up on his British slang a little.

"See! You can't listen for more than a second can you?" I say and he nods.

"I'm sorry go on- what were you saying?" He tries to conceal his laughter.

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