Chapter Ninety One- Don't

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Chapter 91

Amy's POV

"Bye Mom, thanks for letting us stay" I hug her as we stand on the front porch just as Harry comes down the stairs. I hadn't spoken to him since last night. He slept in the guest room and I honestly didn't understand what his problem was. I was annoyed at him but I was more hurt than anything. Breakfast was silent with my parents, only my Mom and Dad making conversation between the two of us, neither of us actually communicating with each other though.
"Oh and tell Dad that I said bye!" I say as I pull away from her stepping down from the porch.

"I will Cárino-"

"Bye Marie, thanks for last night!" Harry cuts in hugging her before placing a kiss on her cheek before grabbing his keys off the side. The only words Harry had spoken to me was 'are you ready?' About half an hour ago so that we could leave.

"No problem, see you next week!" She calls to him as we walk down the the drive away from the house waving back at her. She waves us off as we get into the car without a word. I buckle my seat belt as Harry starts the car, pulling away from my house in silence.

20 minutes go by in silence as we drive through the city listening to the radio play. I look out the passenger window the whole time leaning my head back on the rest in boredom. I knew he could yell things were awkward between us but I just hated the fact that he wasn't even trying to apologise or anything. I had nothing to apologise for so I wasn't going to start. I just wanted to go home and start packing for Stanford seen as I leave in three weeks. I didn't even know where to start with packing. I still needed to tell my parents about Stanford but I didn't feel like this visit was the right time. With me and Harry fighting it just seemed wrong.

"So what your not talking to me now?" He finally speaks. I feel my whole body become infuriated at his words as he genuinely doesn't seem to give a shit about me at this point in time. I wanted to smack him and call him an asshole but I felt like we were already passed that. I had to play it differently.

"That would be very childish of me, wouldn't it?" I say sarcastically still looking out the passenger window without a glance at him.

"You haven't spoken a word to me all morning, I'm just asking" he asks and I laugh lightly sarcastically. Was he trying to piss me off even more? Or was this some sort of joke?

"Observation is clearly a strong point for you, welldone!" I snap sarcastically clapping my hands at him patronisingly. I knew I was being a dick but I literally didn't care because he didn't seem to care.

"Don't fucking sass me" He snaps back at me and I look over at him pouting sarcastically.

"I'm not, I was congratulating you on your amazing observation skills 'baby', can't you take a compliment?" I smile at him mockingly making his eyes widen slightly before he glares at me. I know I probably was making matters worse but I just couldn't help myself.

"Can't you be nice?" He spits at me making me roll my eyes. That's Fucking Rich.

"Can't you grow up?" I spit back causing him to laugh in disbelief as he glances at me before looking back at the road.

"That's rich when I'm nearly 3 years older than you" he rolls his eyes at me making me scoff in disbelief.

"Age is just a number right 'baby'? I mean you did fancy me when I was a minor so-"

"Your the one who calls me Daddy" he snaps cutting me off instantly making my jaw hit the floor. He did not just fucking say that? Oh my god.

"Your the one that fucking asked!" I yell at him and he laughs in my face like I was a fucking joke.

"Oh really I forced 'Harder Daddy' and 'Im gonna cum Daddy' out of your mouth, did I? I don't think so!" He yells angrily at me and I look at him in disbelief. Why the fuck did I put up with his shit? Like honestly I'm beginning to loose my shit with it now.

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