Chapter Sixty One- Haven't You Done Enough?

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A/N- Double update as asked for
I'm so sorry. Please comment your opinions on this chapter, I'm dying to know what you guys think.

Chapter 61

Amy's POV

After enjoying breakfast with Harry, I think it was about time that we addressed the elephant in room. We had so many things to talk about. But I just felt like we would end up arguing. I didn't want to argue at all. This morning had been perfect and I wanted to stay like this but I knew we couldn't. We couldn't move on from things if we just didn't talk about them. I knew that. Harry knew that. I think it was step forward even having the conversations, it showed we were willing to make it work for us both. I think.

"So..." Harry hums as we wash the our plates in the sink.

"Last night was crazy" I sigh and he nods. I knew this talk was well needed, now definitely was the right time.

"I know" he sighs.

"Thank you for letting me stay, I mean not that I had a choice but still..." I sigh as I laugh lightly drying my hands with a tea towel.

"Not exactly how I thought you would meet my Mum, but I mean you finally did it" He says and I instantly feel guilty. I don't feel like I could apologise enough to him but I had to try. I wanted us to be good. I didn't want to go on a break but I didn't understand how he was feeling at all. He was so hot and cold, hit and miss, it was hard to work out where his head was at.

"Harry I'm so sorry about that-" I try to say but he shakes his head cutting me off.

"I don't want to argue-"

"But I need to say this" I cut him off frowning at him.

"I don't need to hear it" he sighs turning his back to me.

"Just let me" I stop him grabbing his arm, turning him around. He sighs looking down at me clearly not happy about this.
"I never planned on doing that to you, you do get that?" I frown as I look up at him.
"I just- I just panicked, I felt like everything just changed in a matter of days with us and I just got cold feet-"

"But I didn't even know you had doubts you never told me, that's why I got so annoyed" he cuts me off and I frown.

"I didn't have doubts at first! I literally was just stressed but then when we got in the car it kinda just hit me-"

"So you thought it was okay to just leave?" He furrows his brows together clearly annoyed. I didn't plan on leaving and I don't think he understood that.

"You let me go.." I frown firing back at him as I fold my arms over my chest defensively.

"Are you serious? I wasn't going to force you do something you didn't want to do! I didn't think you would actually leave!-" He snaps back at me clearly taking offence to what I said.

"What did you expect me to do? I was scared-"

"Then talk to me! You never told me that! You kept saying you were fine when you weren't, how do you expect me to know these things when you tell me something completely different?" He raises his voice at me making me frown.

"I don't know..." I shake my head.

"If you had just told me I would never have pushed this on you" He sighs shaking his head as he runs a hand through his hair in frustration.

"But you didn't push it-"

"I clearly did if you didn't want to do it!" He yells at me and I sigh in frustration. Once Harry had his mind made up it was like talking to a brick wall. There was no talking to him. He was right and that was it. We stand in silence for a second, clearly both of us thinking things over before he speaks.
"You said we had been together 4 days- 4 fucking days how could you say that?" He sighs angrily and instantly feel bad. I never meant that. I don't know why I said it, it just came out in anger.

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