Chapter Fifty Four- Four Days

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Chapter 54

Amy's POV

"Harry turn it down!" I yell from my closet as I sort through my stuff trying to find something to wear for tonight. Gosh I was so nervous. I couldn't even tell you. Harry wasn't helping at all. He was so chilled it was unbelievable.
"Harry!" I yell at him again as I hear the tv blaring at god knows what volume. He was watching some show about the internet and fake people on it that he said was addictive. I sigh as he doesn't listen to me and storm back into the bedroom.
"Turn it down!" I shout at him as I find him laid on my bed in his boxers with the remote next to him watching the screen at the end of the bed. He was sprawled out with his arm behind his head and one hand on his stomach as he looked up at me.

"Someone's grouchy" he laughs lightly as he turns the TV down.

"Shut up" I mutter as I pick the pillows off the floor that he had thrown off. That drives me insane may I add.

"What's wrong with you?" He asks with frown on his face as he sits up.

"Nothing" I say sternly as I walk over to the other side of the bed propping the pillows up on there.

"Okay..." He says skeptically as he lay back down in the same position his eyes once again glued to the TV. I sigh walking into the bathroom and turning the shower on. I close the door, slamming it by accident before undressing. I take my clothes and put them in the washing basket before jumping in the shower, letting the hot water relieve some of my stress. I don't even know what was wrong with me. I was let angry I was just so stressed out about tonight. I didn't know how to react. I had never done anything like this before and Harry wasn't even being supportive at all. He was sat watching 'internet fish' or something I don't fucking know what it's called. I was meeting his Mum and I had no idea how to even react. Should I be happy about this? Should I be nervous?

I knew I had to do it for Harry, but something just wasn't right with me. I don't know what it was but whatever it is it was starting to affect my mood. For the past half hour I had been sat in my closet looking for outfits to wear, the whole time not a word from Harry except when he told me that Niall and Eva have fallen out something about comparing there relationship to ours or something apparently Eva said that Niall wasn't putting in the effort and compared them to us saying that we were already at the I love you stage where as they weren't. I didn't understand it so I wasn't going to get involved but apparently they aren't speaking.

I jumped out the shower wrapping a towel round my body before walking out the bathroom around 15 minutes after I went in. Harry was still sat in the same position making me sigh.

"Are you even going to get ready? We meet your Mom in an hour!" I snap at him causing him to frown at me. He pauses for a second as I stand by the bathroom door looking at him with the 'Are you for real?' Look.

"Oh so that's what this is about? Your nervous about meeting my Mum?" He smirks making me roll my eyes. Course he would find this entertaining.

"No, you just leave everything till last minute and then you'll make us late" I snap walking over to the other side of the bed as he laughs.

"I never make us late, that's you" he points out which kinda was true, not that I would admit that though.
"Besides I don't even know why your worried, my Mum is excited to meet you" He says as he sits up on the bed, crossing his legs.

"What did you even tell her about us?" I ask as I now stand nearer him.

"I told her a lot" he shrugs as he turns to sit on the edge of the bed with his feet dangling off. He pulls me by the waist looking up at me as I cling to my towel.

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