Chapter Thirty Two- You Can Do Better Than That

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Chapter 32

Amy's POV

"Your late..." Klaus scolds me as I sit down in the booth alongside him with Harry sat opposite me and Jade opposite Klaus. The Serpents Diner was a really cute American diner that specialised in burgers and desserts. As I sat down I noticed how everyone already had milkshakes and someone had bought me one too. Chocolate my favourite.

"Your lucky I showed up for one and besides I'm fashionably late so it's fine" I roll my eyes as I place my purse down beside me and remove my coat. I decided to wear some black jeans with a belt and a scrappy white top, with gold necklaces hanging all the down in between my breasts and some nude heels.

"Where have you been anyway?" Jade asks me clearly trying to prevent me and Klaus from clashing any time soon.

"Uh well I kind of over napped I'm so sorry hear me out- I just didn't have much sleep last night and it's all caught up to me I guess" I say as she gives me a glare from across the table.

"Where did you even go last night? We were supposed to hang out" she snaps at me and I sigh. I totally forgot. I glance at Harry and catch his eyes with my own for a second before looking back at Jade.

"I stayed at a friends house, I'm sorry I got way to drunk to walk so they let me stay there it was my fault I'm so sorry Jade" I lie.

"And where did you go last night mate? I swear I only saw you like twice" Klaus turns to Harry and says.

"I went home a bit later on because I had stuff to do today-"

"Like what? You watched the game today and then sat with Niall playing Forza till now?" Klaus challenges him and Harry rolls his eyes.

"Exactly I had stuff to do" Harry snaps back at him and Klaus rolls his eyes before changing the topic of conversation. We sat for a while and ordered some food each most of us had burgers except Jade who had nuggets instead. We actually were having a good time, laughing and joking with each other and actually having proper conversations for once. I missed hanging out Jade because she's always with Klaus now but I guess now it's not so bad hanging out with them both. Every so often my eyes would catch Harry's or he would have that cheeky smirk on his face if he caught me looking at him. It was hard to not talk to him as much I wanted to because we didn't want it to look like it was anything to them. But we spoke here and there without causing them two to get any ideas.

"So Harry did you take Evie home last night? Niall said he heard you talking with someone this morning" Klaus says causing me to choke on my milkshake and Harry's eyes to widen.

"Sorry" I cough as I kick Harry under the table causing him to wince. Niall heard us talking? Oh no.

"Uh no no I didn't, I was on the phone to Gemma this morning he probably heard that" Harry shrugs and Klaus buys it.

"So what's going on between you and Evie, Harry?" Jade asks as she takes a bite of her nugget.

"Oh nothing she just forces it too much and I'm not interested" he shrugs and I can't help but smile a little.

"But you both came together last night?" Jade challenges him raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah I just picked her up cause she pestered me about it for days" he says and Jade nods.

"So Amy who is the mystery friend you so randomly wandered off to last night? I need details" Jade turns the heat up on me and I can't help but tense up.

"Just some people at I met a while ago, Victoria and Max" I make up there names and Harry kicks me under the table. I shoot him a glare and Jade cuts in again.

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