Chapter Forty Four- Decisions

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Chapter 44

Harry's POV

I watched her slam the door. She walked away. Again. What really was I to expect from her? For her to say it back? For her to forgive me there and then? I was stupid. I shouldn't of said it.

But I meant it. I hated that it was true but I had no control over it. I had to accept it.

I watched as Jade sympathetically smiled at me before following Amy inside. Before silence just fell. All I could here was rain. Tonnes and tonnes of droplets hitting the floor and roofs around me. I needed a second alone and now I had it. In this moment I realised I had nothing. My best friend probably hated me and wants me dead and the person I love just slammed the door in my face. I didn't have anyone. I sat down on the porch step outside the house just as I saw Niall walking over to me.

"Mate, just go inside. I'm fine I just need a minute" I tell him as my head falls into my hands. The last thing I wanted was a lecture right now, or someone's unwanted opinion that isn't gonna help me at all.

"I'm not leaving you sat here" he says as he sits on the step next to me.

"Honestly go, I'm fine" I tell him. Whether or not it was true was a different question.

"What you did- took some guts. I wouldn't have done that. Hell I've never even told Eva that" he says causing me to sigh, laying down the porch.

"I don't want to talk about it" I sigh rubbing my eyes as the water hits my face.

"Shouldn't you be happy? This is like a weight lifted off your shoulders bro! Klaus knows, everyone knows- you can be real now, official" he says and I frown looking up at him. Is he fucking stupid?

"Did you not just fucking witness the same thing I did?" I say causing him to roll his eyes.

"It was hard to miss. She's upset, what you did was Fucking stupid but you know that, so I'm not gonna say I told you so. But I know she cares about you, she just needs time-"

"But that's just it isn't it? She walked away, it's done. I tried, how much harder can I try?" I cut him off not wanting to hear any of this. I don't need a reminder of what just happened I think I got the picture pretty loud and clear.

"If you really loved her you would do anything to get her back, fucking step it up because there are plenty of other guys out there that she could choose from" he says and I roll my eyes, the thought of her being with someone else angered me but I was more upset then angry at everything right now.
"But she chose you, you fucked up, everyone fucks up I'm sure she will forgive you. You just need to get her on her own, once she's calmed down and talk to her" he says and I roll my eyes laughing sarcastically.

"Oh like she's going to talk to me now" I snap.

"She loves you, she has to" he says and I frown.

"She doesn't-"

"Your kidding yourself if you think that girl doesn't love you- now come on, I'm soaking wet and fucking freezing can we go in now?" He says causing me to roll my eyes.

"You go, I'll catch up" I say as I stare up at the sky.

"Whatever, you'll get a cold sitting out here all night" he says as he gets up of the porch step before walking down the rest.

"Shut up" I roll my eyes flipping him off causing him to laugh before I hear his footsteps get more distance. As I sit in silence, the rain still pounding down on me, my head is just mashed with thoughts. Anything and everything was taking over my mind, I just felt lost in my own thoughts. Nothing I could do at this point in time could change her mind. I had to accept that. Not that I wanted to. But I had to. I needed to give her space. Right? Or was I to man up and go in there after her? I've never been in this situation before so I don't know what is the right thing to do. Was there a right thing to do in this situation? I couldn't sit here all night thinking what if-

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