Chapter Sixty Nine- Swings and Roundabouts

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Chapter 69

Amy's POV

"How long have you been stood there?" I ask as I take a step away from Zac. I watch Harry's eyes drag down my body and dart back over to Zac. His eyes filled with rage within seconds.

"Long enough" he spits bluntly as I take a step towards him. In this moment I didn't care about anything but him. He was clearly enraged at what he had saw but what was worse he was quiet. He was yet to say something about it. His wrath was yet to come and I wasn't ready for it at all.

"Harry..." I reach out to him but he doesn't look at me. His eyes stay locked on Zac. He was about to blow I could feel it. He was a ticking time bomb and I was about to be collateral damage if I didn't stop him.

"It's taking every inch of me right now not to beat the shit out of you" he spits through gritted teeth as he moves into the room. His arm brushes my shoulder and instantly feel the anger radiating off him. He wasn't just mad. He was livid.
"Are you trying to rile me or something?-"

"I was trying to tell the truth" Zac states and I frown. Not again. This was not happening. If they were about to fight there was not a chance I could pull them apart. Harry was much bigger than Zac in the muscle department but Zac was slightly taller like by an inch. I don't know if it even mattered when Harry was this angry.

"The truth? What truth? Your not in love with her you don't know what love is!" Harry laughs in disgust at him and I sigh. This was not going to end well. Zac didn't love me. He couldn't. He may be in love with the idea of us but he wasn't in love with me. Not a chance.

"You don't know that!-" Zac tries to argue but Harry cuts him off.

"I don't know that? Haven't you done enough already?" He snaps at Zac quickly and I stand behind him not knowing what to do. I was stood in lingerie in between two guys that were probably about to beat the shit out of each other in second.

"I haven't done anything!" Zac yells at Harry.

"You fucking kissed my girlfriend twice! Fucking twice! Oh and let's not forget the part where you set me up with Victoria" Harry yells at him making me flinch at the volume of his voice.

"You fucked that one on your own mate- I just moved it on" Zac laughed lightly and my eyes widen. Was he asking for Harry to kill him or something? Within seconds Harry launched himself at Zac knocking him to the ground with a single hit to the jaw.

"You fucking piece-" he spits as he looks down at Zac on the ground.

"Harry!" I step in front of him pushing him back as I see his expression engulf in anger. He was seeing red and I couldn't stop him. I grip his biceps tightly as I try my hardest to push him back just as Zac gets back up holding his jaw.

"She isn't even your girlfriend Harry! I can kiss her if I want to-" Zac laughs and I feel Harry tense up under my grasp. He was fighting every urge not to push me out the way to get to Zac, I could feel it.

"She doesn't want you to kiss her! She doesn't even like you after what you did-" Harry spits at Zac only to be cut off by him laughing.

"Oh but she likes you? Well she's definitely got low standards there then" Zac spits with a smirk on his face. I turn my head to him. He was trying to get a rise out fo Harry. I don't know why but he was. And he was hitting the right spots to get one.

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