Save Me From The Dark

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Relief flashed in the little girls eyes at the news. Turning to her pale brother she began to try and rouse him to wake.

"Did you hear. They're here to take us home.
Kinan? Hey come on. Kinan, you have to wake up. They're here to take us home.
Kinan." She tried, her voice very hoarse with lack of communication and water.

"Kinan!? Brother come on! Wake up! Kinan!" The three Leaf Shinobi looked at the girl. Eyes filled with pity behind their masked faces as she clutched to her dead sibling with tears streaming down her already blotchy face.

The Masked Ninja looked to her brother who seemed to have been dead for a while before turning back to face the little girl.

One Shinobi, whos face didnt hold such a mask, kneeled to her level.
His face wrinkled with laughing lines and age. He placed his hand tenderly on her injured arm that was slowly pulling its skin together again at an unnatural rate.
Hiding the major gash left by Orichimaru's henchmen.

Her head flicked towards the old man with tears staining her chubby cheeks.

"My name is Hiruzen Sarutobi. I am the Thrid Hokage of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Whats your name?"
She looked to the kind old man, her eyes searching deeply in his own. His spirit was so.... Warm and soft. Making her want to just jump into his arms and bawl her eyes out.

"M my name is K-Kiyomi. Kiyomi Uzumaki-Kitan." She stated. The three Shinobi were taken a back at her statement.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, she stared at the three Shinobi around her and her big brother.
She didnt know the reasons for these men being near her. She was scared, frightened, terrified even of being so close to strangers. However, she didn't feel threatened by their presence. She felt almost... comfortable.

"Alright Kiyomi. How about you come with us back to the Leaf, and we'll bring your brother back home as well? How does that sound?" Hiruzen asked with his arms open to her.

"Lord Third." One of the masked men began to warn.
"Nonsense Yukon, I am quite capable in carrying this young child." The Third waved off.

Looking to her ice cold brother, she slowly pried her hand from his stomach wound almost regrettingly. She turned back to the Old Man and tried to rise to her feet.

Losing balance, she fell straight into the arms of the Third Hokage.

She froze when his arms wrapped around her to hold her upright.

She felt the difference of temperatures between the Old Man and her brother.

At that moment, she realised something that brought her world crashing down around her.

Wrapping her arms around his neck she cried. She knew that her brother was gone, and he wasnt coming back.

He was all she had and now.

She was all alone.

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