I Wouldn't Change a Thing

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"Well then. We better be heading off. Its a long way until we reach The Hidden Rain Village." Haku said with a smile as Zabuza grumbled.
"Awe. Come on Uncle Zabuza. Its not that far." I teased.

He glared at me as if asking whether I had a death wish. I just smiled back at him.
"Brat." He growled. I laughed.
"Demon." He chuckled with a smirk behind his bandages.

"You know uncle Zabuza. If you took off those bandages and smiled. I could have an Aunty and a nephew or neice?" I swear he blushed. I heard Kakashi Sensei laughing along with Haku and Team 7.

"Dont think I haven't told Kakashi Sensei the same. Though he should also get rid of his per-" A hand clamped over my mouth.
"Personal shyness. Is what she was trying to say." He chuckled nervously. I rolled my eyes before moving his hand.

I reached up to hug Haku.
"Please dont ever try something as reckless as that again Brother Haku." I pleaded. He simply nodded before I pulled back to see his warm smile.
"Dont go putting Haku into stupid situations either Zabuza." He ruffled my hair and I hugged him.

"Alright kid. Get off me." He laughed. I jumped back and stood back next to the others.
"Goodbye Kiyomi. Safe travels." Haku wished me before he turned to Zabuza.
"Yeah. Dont die kid. I wanna battle you with that blade when you're stronger." My hand grabbed Death Reaper who hummed strongly at the idea.

"Death Reaper cant wait till that time."

I know they're dangerous criminals that have committed many murders and what nots but they are special to me. No matter what others may think of them.

They are who they are.
And I wouldn't change a thing.

~Time Lapse~

"Mission was a success Old Man. The Great Naruto Bridge has been built and now the people of the Land of Waves may leave as they wish.
Gato has been eliminated by the hands of Zabuza Momochi who... got... away..." I said steadily before looking up at him. He was smiling as he nodded.

"And Naruto?" I grinned.
"He did lose control. However, he supressed it on his own." Old Man nodded.
"I'd expect nothing less from him." He smiled before looking down to complete more paper work.

What a weird Old Man.

"Well I'm off. I have to meet with my Team. We have a test coming up soon. Bye Old Man!" I yelled running from the office.

~Time Lapse~

Chunin exams!?!? Really?!?!

We were each handed a form to fill out.
"It is optional whether or not you wish to partake. But it would be a step closer reaching a place only youth can take you!" Gai Sensei exaggerated. I sweat dropped, as did Neji as Lee joined in on their overly exaggerated youthfulness.

"Well. I am going to train somewhere in peace." Then Neji was gone. I sat for a while longer on the bench before Gai Sensei and Lee took their leave.
I didn't want to do nothing so, I ran over buildings before I was stopped by Asuma.

"Asuma Sensei. Whats up?" I asked with a bright smile. He smiled back as he puffed on his smoke.
"The Old Man wants to see you." He chuckled. I nodded before we took off in separate directions.

I landed gracefully on the steps of the Tower and walked up sort of like a normal person.
"Ah Kiyomi. Sorry for calling you back but we have important visitors coming for the Chunin exams. They're from the Hidden Sand. I want you to show them around the Village and take them here." He handed me a paper with a hotel adress scribbled down.

"I've made special reservations for them. They should be at the gates soon." I bowed to him and with a
"Hai Sensei."
Left to greet Konohagakure's special visitors.

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