Surprise Surprise!

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'His breathing came out in small pants. His hands balled into fists at his side and a look of determination filled his eyes.

"I dont care what happens to me. I have things that I must protect. Precious things.
And so long as I have that I swear.
I'll never give up!"

Then he ran at the beast.
Who's heart was colder then ice. Sneer was more venomous then any snakes and eyes that were sharper then any blade.

If only people had taken a closer look at the beast. Seen what hid behind all the hatred.

There was a small creature so full of pain and longing. Longing to be loved.

The two met in a head on collision. Each with their own strengths.
Each with their own weaknesses.

"Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnggggggg!!!" I snapped around and smashed my fists down on the alarm cock in shock. Breaking it to little pieces.

Damn, I was late. I placed my book back into my weapons pouch, making sure to mark off where I stopped with a sebon needle.

I pushed another three books off my lap and stood up to stretch.

'History of The Village Hidden in The Sand.'
I set that book next to my mat.

'Water Techniques of The Village Hidden in the Mist.'

I stored that one on the shelf with the other Mist Village's books. And finally.

'How A Shinobi Should Die.'

That one I was going to ditch.

"Alright. Time for training." I dangled my legs over the window before leaping to the next roof. I carried on running until I reached the Wall surrounding the Village.

"Alright then." I got ready to take off in a sprint.

My foot stepped one after the other as I ran parallel to the ground up the wall. Finally reaching the top, I saw that the guard on duty was watching more of what or who was trying to get in and not leave the Village. I smirked.

Taking off in a sprint, I lept from the wall into the forest.
"Hey!" I heard him call to that I laughed back.
"Don't worry. It was only Kiyomi. She's probably off to train." I heard another guard assure before I landed on a branch and took of towards the Valley of the End.

Once I got there, I saw that someone was already here.

Who could possibly be here at this hour?

This man had long, pinstraight black hair that fell down his back and wore a dress of sorts with a purple belty-thingy?

I wonder who it could be. Getting more curious, I summoned a Shadow.
"Will you please help me see who that is?" I asked him. He nodded before covering me.

My second warmth held me as well.

I walked from the forest and walked down the cliff to get a closer look.
The moon in the sky gave little light as the clouds drifted in a haze.
Soon enough I got to see exactly who it was.


I stumbled back a few steps in fear.
Orochimaru was here.

My body began to shake violently in fear within the shadow. I couldn't move an inch. My body was frozen to the spot.

I saw people in tubes floating lifelessly.
Needles being forced into my body as he took my blood and injected liquids into my system.
The burning like acid flowing through my veins as he did so. Screams filled my head as I burned.

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