Leest of My Worries

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"Damn brat. Using an operating room without permission. Operating on a patient with an unknown illness. Without permission, and then collapsing from low charka levels again."

She growled as she counted them off with her red nail painted fingers.

"Is this what I have to look forward to when becoming Hokage?" She muttered while rubbing her temples.

I smiled at her and stood up.
"And where do you think you're going miss?" I turned to her.

"I need to go check on how Haruko and Sasuke are." I answered with a shrug.

She gave a sigh and began to mutter some nonsense about sake withdrawal and nuisance brats.

I laughed lightly. Walking out with her next to me.
"How'd you know what to use?" Shizune asked from Lady Princess' other side.

I looked at her.
"I was taught by two of the best medical nins in the world." I gloated. The two smiled in return.

"Well I can assure you one thing. Whatever you used Kiyomi, really helped that little girl. It's almost like she's only malnourished and nothing was even wrong with her." I smiled brightly at the good news.
"That's great! So how long until she wakes up?"

We turned a corner into the first room on the right.

"We're not sure. Whenever she's ready." We all turned to the bed that sat in the middle of the room where a child sat staring out the window.

"Haruko?" Her head rose a little before she turned slowly.

"Kiyomi?" I ran to stand infront of her.

"How are you feeling?" She looked confused as I asked her this question.

"Kiyomi? Aren't I ment to be dead?" I stepped back at her statement.
"No. Haruko. You're not ment to be dead." I took her hands in mine.

Her confused face was quite frightening.
"But, the man in the white coat."

She pulled one of her hands from mine and clutched at her chest.

"He stabbed me right here. And I was dying. I saw Haruki and Mom. Granny was there too."

I pulled her to me and held her in a hug.

"Haruki's not dead sweetheart. He's resting at my place with my friends watching him." I told her.

She pulled back with wide, surprised eyes.
"I want to see him." I smiled.

"I'll have Shizune take you since she is about to be roped to a hospital bed." I turned to Lady Princess with a sheepish smile.

"Uh... I wasn't gonna try and escape Lady Princess. I swear you know?" She glared at me.

I gulped.

~Time Lapse~

'Damnit! How do these knots keep getting tighter and tighter!?'

I mentally screamed as I squirmed in the ropes, trying to get free.

'Doesn't help that the Old Lady stole my weapons either. I feel so bare.'

I shivered.

There was some delayed steps down the corridor that had me pausing in my struggles.

Clonk...drag. Clonk...drag. Clonk...drag.

I turned my head to see a green spandex cladded boy shuffling past my door.

His movements halted and his head turned to look at me.

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