Best Left Untouched

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~Flash Back~

*3rd Persons*

"Brother Haku! Brother Haku! Make water games with me! Please!" A young girl pleaded as she pulled at the kimono of a very beautiful boy. His bright eyes shone as he looked down to her.

"Kiyomi." He laughed lightly before bending down to level. He wasnt much older then her but was still quite mature. He couldn't deny this little girl even if he wanted to.

She giggled as he put his hand over the crystal blue water that shimmered beneath the light mist.
"Here. Try this." He instructed as he created a cube before freezing it.
"Hey!" She complained.
"I dont have ice." She pouted with a little air puffing up her cheeks. Haku smiled warmly down at her.
"Perhaps you could just make shapes then Kiyomi."

Her eyes brightened as she raised her hands over the water as he had. She giggled as the water lifted with her hands and moved as she did.

"Kiyomi! Haku! Lets go already Zabuza's waiting!" Another boy called.

His hair was white as snow with red eyes the same as Kiyomi's. His forehead was creased with lines but the shine in his eyes told you he was happy to see them.

Kiyomi jumped to her feet and lost concentration of the water that fell. Landing straight on Haku's head.

He gasped in shock as the water chilled him to the core.
Not taking notice Kiyomi continued to run towards the snow haired boy.

"Kinan!" She yelled gleefully as she jumped into his arms.
"Hey sis." He laughed before looking to Haku.
He stood with his long hair sticking to his face and water dripping down his chin.

"Oh! I'm sorry brother Haku! F
Please forgive me!" Kiyomi smiled shyly up at him. Haku could never stay mad at her. Not even when she took his mask and ran off with it before it was 'lost.' Or dropped into the ocean more like.

Haku gave her a gentle smile.
"Its only water Kiyomi." He assured. Kiyomi laughed as she stood on her own two feet again.
"So brother Kinan. Where is Master Zabuza?" Haku asked.

Kiyomi's ears rose at the sound of rustling in a bush near them.
"Uncle Zabuza!" She yelled happily before jumping at the man with wrappings around his face. He pried her off of him with a glare pointed at her.

"Brat." He growled. Kiyomi only giggled at him.
"Demon." She laughed.
A little chuckle rose from behind his wraps with a near invisible grin.
"Lets get moving. Itachi and Kisame should be meeting with us soon."

Kiyomi's eyes brightened.
"Finally! Back to missions and the hideouts!" She yelled happily as she bounced around.
"I wonder who Lord Pain wants next?"

Kinan and Haku laughed while Kiyomi spun around at the thought of doing another mission.
Zabuza was thinking to himself.

'Strange and deadly kid.'



I was trying to heal Sasuke of his injuries and looking around the thick mist.
"Sasuke!" I heard footsteps running towards me. Not wanting to be caught I jumped away. I watched as Sakura tried to rouse Sasuke without much luck.
"Sasuke!" She cried.

I could feel the hurt and sadness rolling off her in waves.
Through the fog I heard the howl of Kakashi Sensei's summoning dogs.

Oh no.

I looked that way, only to see fog, fog and more fog!
"Wind style;Ravens Wings." I cleared the bridge of fog just in time to see Kakashi Sensei activate the Chidori.

Kiyomi Uzumaki-KitanWhere stories live. Discover now