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Whistles dropped to his front as Sasuke had a sadistic smirk mounted on to his features.
"Whos next?" I jumped to my feet and began sprinting to him before he was wrapped up in a hug by Sakura.

"Sasuke please..." She begged him as she held on tight.

I watched in surprise as he slowly calmed down, his curse marks receding to its original form and he fell in exhaustion.

I rushed over to Sasuke and Sakura, dropping to my knees next to them. Stone was at our side ready to attack again if need be.

"Please, just take our scroll and we'll be going." He placed down his earth scroll and hoisted his teammates up and left.

"Sakura." I grabbed her arm, turning her to face me. She was beat up pretty darn bad. I beamed at her.
"Good job." I complimented.
"As Haku had said to me. Its once you have to protect someone special do you find true strength." She smiled slightly as I began to heal her wounds. Then I turned to Sasuke.

I pulled him into a hug.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there Sasuke." I felt as he wrapped his arms around me loosely.
"Its fine Kiyomi. Just burns a little." I nodded before I was trying to ease the pain of the curse mark.


"Lord Orochimaru, why does she care for that boy?" I heard as he snickered.

We were currently perched above the two teams in the clearing.

Kiyomi had just finished healing the Uchiha boy and was now healing the blonde boy who fought with Orochimaru earlier.

There was a Hyuga in the clearing who took watch next to a boy in weird a green spandex suit.

Are they really her teammates?
How pitiful.

She looked worried and fearful when she had noticed that the Uchiha boy contained the Earth Curse mark.

She had hugged him.

I've never known Kiyomi to hug anyone that wasn't me, Itachi, Haku, Zabuza, Akatsuki members, Jin and Toshiaki.
They took someone special to pull one out of her. She never gave them this freely.

She looked more wise and understanding of the wrongs in life. Then again.
She was with Akatsuki for a few years.

But it looked like these kids admired her for being, well, Kiyomi.

I smiled down to my little sister.
"That Uchiha is Itachi's little brother." Orochimaru began to explain.
"She's vowed to look after him for all the years Itachi looked after her. And the blonde one." I trailed my gaze over the blonde boy laying unconscious in a orange jumpsuit.

He doesn't seem that special at all. Infact, he looks like quite the moron. Reminds me a lot of Toshiaki.

"He is an Uzumaki. Not much to him. Weak, pathetic. The only thing intriguing about him is that he contains the 9 tailed beast." Him? That little boy?

"Wait. Lord Orochimaru, did you say an Uzumaki?" He just smirked wider.

So thats it then. She doesn't care about the beast in him. She cares because he to is an Uzumaki.
"Kiyomi." I whispered.

What have you gotten yourself into?

"Just imagine how torn poor Kiyomi will be once she finds out what Itachi's intentions are." Thats right.
The Akatsuki are hunting down all the Jinchuriki.

"Come Kinan. We must be going now. The teams will be making it to the tower soon." I bowed my head.
"Yes Lord Orochimaru." And we lept off.


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