Sand Siblings

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I was chatting quite happily with Izumo and Kotetsu at the gates of the Village before a cough interrupted our friendly conversation.

I spun around with a big smile on my face.
There were three sand ninja standing in wait at the gate.
"Welcome to Konohagakure." I greeted with a huge smile to all of them.

"I'm Kiyomi. Kiyomi Kitan." There was a very beautiful girl with her blonde hair pulled back into four buns. She had on a lavender ninja dress with fish nets on her legs and over her shoulders. She was really pretty. "Im Temari." She introduced herself with an attitude. I like her already.

Then I looked to the boy on her right. He was in all black with purple face paint in lines. He also seemed to be carrying a puppet. Funny, Sasori usually wears his. I thought all puppet masters did. "Kankuro." He said with a smirk. Cocky. Thats fine. Then finally I looked to the last member of the group.

He looked around my age. He had red hair, black linings around his eyes which looked sleep deprived. There was a kanji on his forehead. 'Love?' I wonder why he has that?

On his back he carried a massive gourd of sorts. His eyes were full of so much hate and pain. I knew cause they were glaring daggers at me. I smiled at him.
"Thats Gaara. Not much of a talker." Temari said.

"Wait. Temari, Kankuro and Gaara? Geez, that Old Man would. Wouldn't he." I muttered. He had sent me to greet the Kazekage's kids.
I nodded to the three of them with a bright smile.
I dont bow to anyone except the Old Man.

"Well then!" I walked up to them with my hand raised for them to shake. "Temari." She shook my hand with a little smile. "Kankuro." With a smirk. "And Gaara." His arms stayed crossed over his arms while I kept holding my arm to him.

"Its rude to discard a friendly guesture." I said with a smile. When I saw he wasn't going to budge.
"Alright then." I dropped my hand with an even bigger smile.

I heard Izumo chuckle to Kotetsu.
"700 ryo says she will." I heard him whisper.
"Your on. I dont think so. Seeing as she figured out who they are." I rolled my eyes. Poor Kotetsu. Izumo's about to be 700 ryo richer.

I walked closer to him and pulled him into a hug.
I heard the other two gasp, Gaara froze all the while Izumo laughed.
"You owe me 700 ryo. You just don't know her well enough." He gloated as I heard the exchange of money. I laughed and pulled back from the cold hug.

He looked at me with wide eyes as I smiled at him. His eyes returned to their normal glare before the gourds cork popped off.

Just as I thought.

My second warmth wrapped around me just as his sand looped around my ankles.
"Hey thats enough!" Kotetsu yelled as he walked forward.
"No its fine Kotetsu. Really." I smiled at him, thanking him for his worry.

The sand tried to tighten its grip but it couldn't get pass my second warmth.
"If you touch me again. I'll kill you." He growled darkly. I looked to him sadly. So this was Gaara of the Desert. I walked forwards. Watching his sand part as I forced myself closer until I was face to face with him.

"Human compassion and care is what keeps a person sane." I told him. Now his sand was travelling further up my body until it tried to crush my waist. I leaned forward and whispered in his ear.

He pulled back just as his sand retreated back into its gourd.
"Well then. Let me show you around." I laughed as the other two jumped back.
"She's crazy." I heard Kankuro whisper to Temari who nodded in agreement.
"Why yes." I agreed.
"Yes I am." I laughed again before walking off.


'Your beast may reside within you. But I carry mine in my blood.'

What did she mean by that? How did she even know? Who was she?

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