Thank You Hidden Leaf

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The week was filled with laughter, fun and shared time with all my friends.

I slept over Naruto's and Sasuke's.

All the rookies and their sensei camped out with me. Neji, Lee and Gai sensei came as well.
I took plently of pictures on the camera I had 'borrowed' from Kakashi Sensei.

All was well though and I had to refill the camera 7 times.

Sadly, Sunday had come and I was now sealing the last of the things I planned to take with me away.

Konohamaru stood at the door. His eyes leaking with tears and snot running from his nose.
As soon as I had sealed it closed, I moved to wrap him in a hug.

"Please don't cry Konohamaru. I want you to be happy." He dug his face into my chest and kept crying lightly as I whispered sweet nothings into his ear.

~Time Lapse~

This is it. I stand at the very edge of the Leaf territory.
On the other side stood a small collective of sand shinobi and one kid. He looked almost Konohamaru's age. Poor kid.

There stood two elders of their land, a man and women, the sand siblings and two anbu. A team of 8.

On our side we had Lady Tsunade, the two elders, Pervy Toad, Asuma, Gai Sensei and Kakashi Sensei. Our team of eight.

"I suppose this is it." Gai Sensei said with a frown. I smiled and turned to him.
"Here Sensei." I held out an information paper.
"What's this?" I stared at the paper once more.
"Because our team will be down one member, I took it upon myself to assign a new member. Based on her skills, both hand to hand and weaponry.  I thought that she would be the best option. So I asked Lady Princess." Lady Tsunade rolled her eyes.
"It just so happened that the kids team had been dispersed due to some unfortunate circumstances. So it was a win win really." Now was her turn to shrug.

"Kakashi, Asuma. You two will escort Kiyomi to their side and bring back their representative." The two nodded their heads.

Asuma turned to me and put his hand on my head.
"Please be careful Kiyomi." He warned with a frown.
"I will."

With a nod, we started to cross the boarder.

"KIYOMI!!!" My ears perked at the sound of my name being called.

I turned around to see a bunch of people rushing towards us.

I sensed as the Sand Shinobi pulled their weapons to defend themselves.

"Don't attack, they're only Genin." I heard Lady Tsunade order.

True to her words, the Rookies all rushed towards me.

Naruto's hand gripped my shoulders tightly.
"Why didn't you tell us!" He yelled.

I was surrounded by them all with Naruto and Sasuke in front.

"You were just going to leave?" Choji asked in confusion.

"That's not fair Kiyomi. We're ment to be your friends." Kiba huffed.

"I agree! As a team mate! We should have been told!" Lee declared. Neji gave a sound of agreement.

"It was troublesome to have to get dragged all the way out here. Even though I knew you'd probably be able to visit." Shikamaru grumbled.

"Shikamaru! If you knew she was leaving, why didn't you tell us." Ino growled. To that Shikamaru yawned.

"How long will you be gone Kiyomi?" Sakura asked with a saddened look.
"6 years roughly. Of course with visitations allowed. One week every month so, it'll be like I haven't even left!" I tried to cheer them slightly.

"6 years?" I nodded to Choji.

Their moods seemed gloomy as their eyes became down cast. I laughed.

"Come on guys! It really ain't that bad." Still they seemed down.

I sighed.
"Hey rookies?"

They all turned their heads to me.

"Next time I see you lot. I'll expect you all to be stronger.
I really wanna verse you all. One on one." I smirked.

Neji and Sasuke rolled their eyes.

Lee, Naruto, Ino and Kiba were smirking back at me, accepting the challenge fully.

Hinata, Choji and Sakura gave small smiles.

Shikamaru gave an annoyed sigh and Shino nodded his head the tiniest inch.

"Alright then, that should be enough to keep you busy till I visit." I clapped my hands with a wide grin.

"I'll see you guys in 3 weeks." I gave my famous wink and two finger salute before turning again.

Tears building in my eyes as I walked back to Asuma and Kakashi-Sensei's side.

Kakashi Sensei gave a close eyes smile while Asuma put his hand on my head.

The three of us made our way to the exchange point to meet the sand shinobi.

We each nodded our greetings.

One person walking the young boy fully to our side while I moved to their side.

'This is it.'

I thought to myself.

The book of my Adventures in the Leaf has finished. Now was the start of an entirely different book.

'Kiyomi Uzumaki-Kitan's Sand Adventures.'


I smiled to myself as I moved to stand next to Gaara, Temari and Kankuro facing my Home.

I took one step from the line and bowed deeply to the Leaf. Taking a lungful of air before yelling.

"Arigatou gozaimasu!!"

For everything. Hidden Leaf Village, Shinobi, civilians everyone of the Hidden Leaf.

Everyone who's supported me along the way.

I Thank You All Deeply.


= ̄ω ̄=


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