Mission Complete

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"Thank you once again Kiyomi. It was a pleasure to travel with you again." Eran praised while standing infront of the gates to land of lightning.

I nodded my head with a small smile.
"I wish you sort your troubles soon." He turned to move off and Yuma walked to stand in front of me.

With a smile, he gave me a hug.

"It's not fair to punish those who were simply following orders." He whispered lowly, only so my ears would pick it up.

I frowned as I watched him walk to his fathers side.
Eran threw an arm around Yuma's shoulder, pulling him closer. The two laughing walked into the village.

Once they were out of sight, I turned to look at the Sand Siblings who stood watching me.

"What?" I growled at them. Kankuro was smirking, Temari was trying to conceal hers and Gaara stood passive.

"Nothing." Kankuro laughed before turning around with Temari and walking off. Well, Temari limping.
~3rd Persons~

Kiyomi gave a sigh.

"Temari." Said blonde craned her neck to stare at the dark haired kunoichi.

Kiyomi turned her face to the side stubbornly.

"Do you want me to..." She dragged off with a 'hmph'. Temari smiled.

"Yeah sure. If you would that'd be a great help." Kiyomi's eyes softened.


My hands glowed with a green hue as I held them over her torn legs.

Her skin slowly being pulled together and healing well.
"There you go." The hue retreated back into my hands. Her legs were almost fully healed but I decided to wrap them with bandages just in case.

I pulled out an ointment from my weapons pouch and handed it to her.
"You'll need to smear this over your legs everyday so it'll heal faster." She nodded her head and stood up.

"Alright, well. I'll be going now." I turned off and lept into the closest tree.

"Kiyomi Kitan!" I looked down to Kankuro who had called.

"What?!" He looked to Gaara and Gaara looked to me.

"Thank you." I heard him mutter.

A small smile lit my face.

With my famous wink and two finger salute, I left them.


"The mission was a success Lady Princess. Both Eran and Yuma Hibiki were escorted safely to the Stone village and returned to the Land of Lighting with only one attack that was easily resolved."

She nodded her head, joining her hands together before her chin and looking at me.

"And the Sand ninja?" I smirked.

"The Sand Siblings proved to be of help. I was... slightly surprised." I admitted slowly, not liking that I wanted to smile for them.

"Oh? And why's that Kiyomi?" I glared softly at the Hokage, she just wanted to get me to admit it.
"I didn't... entirely want to kill them...after the mission was complete."

She gave a close eyed smirk.
"Very well. Dismissed." I bowed my head lowly before turning to leave.

"Hold on." I paused midstep.

"Have you given anymore thought to the other issue?" My hands clenched at my side.
"I have." Thick tension drowned the air as silence rang on.

"And?" A soft ringing started up in my ear as I looked at her over my shoulder.

"I'll do it."

Then I left.

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