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As soon as I wrapped his wounds and treated them, he was out cold. Not wanting to waste an entire night. I decided to snoop on other teams.

"Summoning." The black cloud swirled around my had before a Shadow came to.
"I'm sorry you have me but big brother is quite busy." The voice... It was a girl shadow!
"Hi there. I'm Kiyomi. Kiyomi Kitan. I dont think we've met." I said with a hushed voice and a massive smile.

Her hood bowed.
"Hmm... so your the human elder brother spoke of...I am elder sister. I was informed not to give you my name. Sorry." Her voice was so monotone. Just like her brothers, only higher pitched.
"I was wondering if you would be able to cover this boy. I mean, you dont have to if you dont want. I was just asking. Please?" I asked hopefully.

I didn't want her doing anything she didnt want to.
"But why do you not just demand?" Her voice sounded so cold, but there was a hint of curiosity as well.
"Because I don't want to force you to do things you dont want to. That'd just be mean." I tried to explain.

She didn't talk any further, only nodded before covering the boy.
"Thank you very much elder sister. I appreciate it. I'll be back in a little while." I jumped from the branch.
"What an odd child."
I heard her say after me. I just smiled before moving off.

I concentrated on sending out waves of my chakra to see if there were any teams around. I mean, shouldn't I at least try to get a scroll before Lee?

I felt a chakra force a few metres infront of me. Landing on a sturdy branch, I looked down to see who it was.

It was the sand siblings.

I saw Temari and Kankuro sleeping soundlessly while I searched around for Gaara.

My second warmth wrapped around me and I gasped at the sudden heat. Then I saw why, sand was crawling up my leg, almost nudging me forward. I decided to just follow the sand to find Gaara.

He was sitting crossed legged on a branch staring out over the forest.
I jumped next to him with a smile. He seemed shocked that I could get this close.

Heck, I would be as well if I had Shukaku in me. I mean, ultimate defence is his thing. He either aint stopping me or cant.
"Hey Gaara." His surprise washed away to form his normal glare. I smiled.

He frowned at my smile. I smiled bigger.
He turned away. I grinned.

"How's your team going."


I shrugged. Not in the mood to talk I see.
So I jumped to my feet and stretched. I petted his head.
"Goodnight Gaara." I whispered before turning to take my leave.

I was going for a little while longer before I came across another team. All three members sleeping away. Or maybe they were knocked out. Anyway.

I jumped in the middle of them and saw that they had opened their scroll. I picked it up and rolled it back to close.

It was a Heavens scroll! Nice!

I looked up to see that the sun was rising back over the forest.

One by one, I pulled the unconscious rain ninja underneath some shrubs so that they wouldn't be attacked and left back to find Elder Sister Shadow.

I was really tired! When I sensed that I was close to elder sister. I sat on the same tree branch as her and layed back beside the boy.

"Did you enjoy your little get away?" She asked smoothly. I yawned and nodded.
"Thanks elder sister. It was real good. I even found a scroll." I showed her the Heavens scroll that matched with my Earth one.

She released the boy and floated infront of me.
"Good then. Will you be needing anything more from me?" I shook my head with a small smile as my eyelids drooped low.

"Not really *yawn* if you'd like. You can go back to your clan. Oh, and*yawn* tell elder brother I say hi." I said with a smile before my eyes fell to a complete close.

The last thing I remember was feeling my second warmth wrapping around me then another warmth.
"What an odd child." I heard a lady whisper.
"Now I see why he did it."
And I was out like a light.

Kiyomi Uzumaki-KitanWhere stories live. Discover now