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"Kiyomi!" Came the shouts of the three onlookers. I braced myself for the pain. Squeezing my eyes shut.

A pair of arms were wrapped around my body as I was pulled to someone's chest.
"Damn you nuisance."

My eyes opened to the green flack jacket that Asuma wore. "Don't leave like that again damn it."

I wrapped my arms around him, hugging back.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled before pulling back.

I reached into my weapons pouch and pulled out a gift.

"Here." I held it up for him to take.
"It's from Granny Chieko. She said it keeps you connected with the ones you love." He took the red rock in his hand and held it up, inspecting it thoroughly.

"Kiyomi. Where did she say she got this? This rock, it's only found at the edge of a village long destroyed." He muttered while caressing the stone.
"Yes, around the Hidden Eries Village. Once home of her clan."

Both jonins eyes were wide as I smiled at them. I pulled out the letters and walked to the two boys.

"My little friend Hiruku wrote these for you two. She asked if I could hand them on." They each took their respective letters and stared at them. I turned to Kakashi Sensei.

"Granny Chieko told me to tell you that hiding one's face is one thing. Hiding one's self is another." He gave a closed eyed smile.
"Thank you Granny Chieko. I really only do hide my face." I smiled.

"Now if you don't mind, I need to find Konohamaru. See you later." I gave my infamous wink and two finger salute before taking off.

"Kiyomi!" I turned to Asuma who had yelled for me.
"Don't run off like that again." I smiled.
"Alright." And I took off.


"Big Sis!" I bent forwards and caught the flying blur in my arms.

"Hey Konohamaru." I sighed happily.
His grip tightened around my neck as I held him.

"Sister Kiyomi's back!" I was soon attacked by two more blurs before I found myself on my butt, now hugging the three of them.

"Where'd you go?" Konohamaru asked as he pulled back.
"To see some old friends of mine. One of them gave me this for you." I pulled out the teardrop shaped moon stone and held it to him.

"He called it a courage rock." He took it cautiously and inspected the piece of rock.
"Thanks. It looks awesome sis." I took it back and tied it around his neck.
"A courage rock." I heard him whisper lowly.

Kissing him on his head, I stood up and took his hand in mine.

"Come on you three. Its getting late. We'll walk home together." They all nodded and we began walking.


"Hn, here you are idiot." I turned on my tree branch and looked to the person beside me.

"You should be asleep Sasuke. Its late." I scolded the Uchiha next to me.
"Yeah well, this dobe woke me up." Just as he said that, the guilty blonde fell next to him.

"Naruto..." I warned. He just gave a laugh and scratched the back of his neck.
"H-Hey Kiyomi." He gave a more nervous laugh while Sasuke rolled his eyes.
"You two need to go back to bed. Its almost morning." They made no attempt to move or anything.
"Tch, I'm not tired. Besides shouldn't you be asleep." I shook my head.
"I don't sleep at night. I only sleep during the real early mornings." I explained.

Kiyomi Uzumaki-KitanWhere stories live. Discover now