Kiyomi vs Hiruku

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I looked down to the stadium grounds in panic.

It would take forever to walk through all the people to get to the stage.

Just as I was about to run through them, I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder.
I spun around to face them, only to have a straw hat plopped on to my head, a cloak tied around my neck and someone whispering into my ear.
"Leaf Princess will make a stunning entry." The person lifted one of my legs up.

I grabbed on to their shoulder instinctively before I was launched into the air.

My hand went to my hat as I flew into the arena. I saw as the sun cast a large shadow of myself over the arena grounds. Doing a couple of flips towards the ground, I landed perfectly.
The dust on the dry arena grounds flew up in a cloud around me.
My cloak fluttered down to cover my ninja wear.

Perfect entry.

Very dramatic.

The crowd fell dead silent at my entrance and that held for about a minute.

Hating on the silence, I pulled off my hat and smiled brightly to the crowd.
"The celebration can now begin!" I shouted loudly.

The entire audience erupted into large shouts of awe and amazement as I laughed at their reaction.

"Alright. First match is Kiyomi Kitan Vs Hiruku Sunni."

I nodded up to the Procter with a smile before it was replaced by a frown.
"Where's Hayate-Senpai?" The new Procter looked confused for a minute.
"That's of no concern to you Kiyomi Kitan." He stated calmly.

In the same tone, I stepped forward to him to speak.
"Oh, its of high concern to me Procter. Allow me to ask again. Where, is Hayate-Senpai." When I saw that he wasn't going to answer, I let my killing intent wash over the entire stadium.

The crowd fell deadly silent, my second warmth wrapped around me, my eyes burned their bright ruby red however, my hair remained pitch black.

Now I was able to supress that chakra from flowing through my hair enough that it doesn't turn red or fly everywhere.

"Where. Is. Hayate. Senpai." I growled with a straight face. He continued to stand his ground with a straight face but, his aura said the complete opposite to what his face registered.

"You will be informed afterwards." I heard someone say from above us. In hearing this clear up, my face snapped back to a smile.
"Alright then. When you're ready Procter." He sweat dropped before giving an awkward cough.

"Alright then. Competitors ready." I nodded as did Hiruku.
"Okay. Fight!" I smirked darkly.

~3rd Persons~

Kiyomi pulled off the black cloak along with the straw hat and discarded that to the side.

Watching as it fell graciously to the ground.

She then turned to Hiruku of the Hidden Mist.
There was a dark smirked that covered Kiyomi's lips.

Hiruku looked indifferent as he stood tall against the rumoured Leaf Princess.

Without command, Kiyomi's second warmth wrapped around her protectively. Its killing intent and powerful chakra made it almost visible to the human eye.

Hiruku tried to remain indifferent however, failing only a tad as the darkness of Kiyomi's chakra reached him with a suffocating air.

She charged.

Full speed with her hair whipping out behind her. Her fist was raised and covered with chakra.

"Hai ka!" She yelled as she brought her fist towards Hiruku. He lept out of the way just in time as Kiyomi's fist created a large dent in the side of the arena.
Shaking the entire audience at the mass power.

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