Leaf Lesson^^Tower

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~Rain Ninja's Pov~

"Get the Hell away from my SISTER!" I yelled.

I could smell burned skin and ashes in the clearing. When I had broke through, I saw the raven haired girl dropping yo the ground and putting Mikomi down.

My cousin and I were on instant defence mode.

"Lee, Tadao. Capture them. Alive." I saw as two Genin look to us and step forward.
One with a passive look and the other with a smirk.

"Of course Leaf Princess." The Stone Ninja said with a mock bow.

"Their Headbands say they are of diffrent Villages. Why do you think they're working together?" Idaika asked. I glared at the pair, only just taking notice of their headbands.
"I'm not entirely sure but. They have Mikomi so they must die." I saw the one from the Stone Village smirk wider.

"Please dont fight us. Leaf Princess is only trying to heal your stupid sister who ran right into a trap." He chuckled.

He was wearing a typical red top with a grey sash and plain black pants.
The Leaf ninja next to him was wearing a horrible green spandex one piece with orange leg warmer things.

"My sister isnt STUPID!" I charged at the Stone ninja with full intention of killing him.

"Oh my gosh." I heard someone grumble.

The raven haired girl next to my sister spun around to face us.
I paused in my charge.

She's...Wow. So beautiful...

She did a short string of handsigns before completing her jutsu.

"Genjutsu;Infinite Darkness." All around me there was darkness. I couldn't see anymore then that.
"You give?" I heard her ask.

I growled lowly before I heard Idaika yell.
"I give!" Damn it, he's terrified of darkness.
"Both of you?" I growled louder.


"Fine! Alright! I give!" The darkness was dropped and I ran over to Idaika to catch his shaking form.

"Oh my gosh. I didn't know he was scared. I'm so sorry." I turned my head up in confusion.

Was she really worried. The look in her eyes said yes as she ran up to us.
She placed her hand on Idaika's forehead and it was coated with a green glow.

"I'm really sorry." She nodded before standing.

Her expression changed and Idaika and I gulped.
Her hands rested on her hips like she was ready to scorn the both of us.

"Thats more then enough. If you want your sister to live. You'll let me heal her." She said.

Surrounding her hands was the still lighting green glow of medical ninjutsu.


I heard Idaika chuckle and I soon followed.
"Bloody Leaf Genin. I thought they were ment to be strong and all. At least thats what we learned in Academy." I laughed.

I heard someone crack their knuckles. Looking back up I saw the raven haired beauty's eyes glow a bright ruby red.
Her hair whipped around her face and even changed colours to what was now a deep, blood red.

"Yeah well." She had a sinister smirk playing on her lips as she cracked her knuckles threateningly.
"Here's my favorite 'Leaf Lesson'."

Next thing I know, my chin is throbbing in pain and I'm being catapulted into the air.

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